Thursday, August 1, 2024

Caroline Glick: The Hour Of Israeli Leadership Has Arrived

The Hour of Israeli Leadership has Arrived
Caroline Glick

Hours after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his address before the Joint Houses of Congress, Kuwait’s al Jarida newspaper reported that Iran has provided Hezbollah with electromagnetic pulse weapons.

Citing a source from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, the newspaper reported that the devices now in Hezbollah’s hands are capable of neutralizing Israel’s radars and communications systems. The IRGC also reportedly provided Hezbollah with drones with electromagnetic pulse warheads and EMP bombs. Some of the EMP projectiles can be launched from stationary launchers and others from drones and can reach targets deep inside of Israel, according to the Kuwaiti report.

The implications of the report are stark. The destructive power of an EMP attack is equal to that of a nuclear attack. Given Iran’s nuclear advances there is every reason to believe that Iran has developed EMP capabilities, and would transfer them to Hezbollah. Iran’s now open threat of an EMP attack against Israel is nothing less that a threat to annihilate Israel. And since the threat was made in the midst of Iran’s multi-front war against Israel, it has to be taken seriously, with appropriate urgency.

During the course of his address to Congress, Netanyahu described the existential threat Iran poses to both Israel and the United States and laid out his vision for contending with it.

Biden’s actions in the region are a continuation of those initiated by President Barack Obama and to understand his policies, they must be viewed in the context of Obama’s policies.

Obama’s predecessors hoped to pay Iran off with a “grand bargain,” that could moderate its policies. That is, they believed Iran should change. In contrast, Obama believed the U.S. should change.

Obama’s foreign policy was predicated on his anti-imperialist world view. Guided by its principles of Western culpability for the pathologies of the Middle East, Obama believed that Iran’s hostility towards the U.S. was justified. As he saw things, it was up to the U.S. to make amends to Iran by changing the way it operated in the Middle East.

To accomplish this goal, Obama began realigning the U.S. towards Iran and its Sunni allies in the Muslim Brotherhood at the expense of Israel and the U.S.’s traditional Sunni Arab allies.

Obama’s betrayal of both Israel and the Sunni Arabs brought the long estranged neighbors together. The Israeli-Sunni partnership was first brought to bear in the 2014 Hamas war against Israel. Obama sided with Hamas’s state sponsors Qatar and Turkey and insisted that Israel accept the terror regime’s ceasefire demands. Supported by Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE, Netanyahu was able to withstand Obama’s pressure.

Since October 7, the administration has used a combination of coercion and subversion to prevent Israel from taking decisive action against Iran and its proxies, particularly Hezbollah.

After Oct. 7, the administration denied Iran’s involvement in Hamas’s invasion of Israel despite overwhelming evidence that Tehran played a central role in planning and facilitating Hamas’s day of genocide.

On the ground, the U.S. has micromanaged, slowed, subverted and delegitimized Israel’s war in Gaza, and blocked it from taking decisive action against Hezbollah, the Houthis or Iran.


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