Wednesday, August 7, 2024

British PM: A "Standing Army" Of Riot Police Is On Hand To Deal With "Far Right Thuggery"

British PM: A "Standing Army" Of Riot Police Is On Hand To Deal With "Far Right Thuggery"

British Prime Minister Kier Starmer announced Monday that there is a “standing army” of riot police ready to combat “thuggery” in the streets, which he attributed to the ‘Far Right’.

Protests have been flaring for days since the brutal murder of three young girls, and the attempted murder of several more children, with the accused the son of immigrant parents from Rwanda in East Africa.

After an emergency meeting, Starmer stated that among measures to be taken by the government against protests that turn violent, “The first is we’ll have a standing army of specialist officers… so that we’ll have enough officers to deal with this where we need them.”

The use of the phrase is interesting given its historical context in Great Britain.

Starmer stated that “Whatever the apparent motivation, this is not protest. It is pure violence and we will not tolerate attacks on mosques or our Muslim communities,” adding “The full force of the law will be visited on all those who are identified as having taken part in these activities.”

Starmer’s comments were picked up by X owner Elon Musk, who responded “Shouldn’t you be concerned about attacks on *all* communities?”

“What we’ve seen in this country is organised violent thuggery that has no place either on our streets or online,” a spokesman for the Prime Minister added.


Anonymous said...

So, IMO, Leaders seem to allow invaders, not assimilators' into their countries, as does USA, IMO? Been reputed then Leaders punish the people they are suppose to serve when those invader's commit crimes, & chaos?
It does not matter their color, nationality, it's the content of their character and what police should address IMO; criminals are criminals, and now, there is a problem? So, the citizen's needed relief eons ago from invaders IMO; civilized citizen's were made to feel like the bothersome stepchild, IMO! Excuses to control good folks as wickedness prevails? For what reasons? Hard to understand evil stupidity, IMO. Sad, we must pray for real Leaders to replace present pawn Leaders that are part of some cult Agenda, IMO! Represent your Citizen's is the message or yes, they might bite back, duh?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa said...

Get with the program, you have to make society sick so they will accept their global medicine. (a happy healthy society will not take the medicine) This has been planned for a very long time