Friday, December 17, 2021

Ukraine Opens Bomb Shelters In Anticipation Of War

Russia marches one step closer to war –Ukraine opens bomb shelters after World War 3 alert

Ukraine has opened bomb shelters in the capital of the nation as fears of a Russian invasion soar. On Wednesday a Ukrainian minister and former top spy warned the conflict could spread globally.

Major General Laputina said: "The spreading of war in case of Russian invasion to Ukraine - will be much wider than Ukraine."

She added: "If Russia will invade you know, you should also take care about the Balkans.

"What Russians are doing now in Serbia - they try to provoke a situation in the Balkans.

"But we also take into account [the beginning of] World War Two."

This follows on from reports that Russia has amassed nearly 100,000 troops at the border shared with Ukraine.

Earlier this month, Ukraine's Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov said: "Our intelligence analyses all scenarios, including the worst.

"It notes that the likelihood of a large-scale escalation from Russia exists.

"The most likely time to reach readiness for an escalation will be the end of January."

On Wednesday it was announced that Russia and China had agreed to terms on a security alliance.

President Xi said regarding the deal: "At present, certain international forces under the guise of 'democracy' and 'human rights' are interfering in the internal affairs of China and Russia and brutally trampling on international law and recognised norms of international relations.

"China and Russia should increase their joint efforts to more effectively safeguard the security interests of both parties."

Putin told Xi: "A new model of cooperation has been formed between our countries, based, among other things, on such principles as non-interference in internal affairs and respect for each other's interests."

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