Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Narrative Crumbles

When Resistance Becomes Duty
Milosz Matuschek

We are reaching the height of madness regarding anti-pandemic policies. The narrative of the worst pandemic in a 100 years, for which the unvaccinated are now being blamed, is falling to pieces bit by bit. A collective act of cruelty inflicted upon a minority and tolerated by the silent majority appears to be the final linchpin holding together a flimsy narrative consisting of a jumble of data, propaganda and fear-mongering. From the standpoint of the political class, this is all too understandable, as everything remotely associated with logic is currently exploding in its face.

Let us briefly summarise:

  • The number of cases and ICU admission rates are higher today than they were a year ago. Back then the vaccination rate was zero, today it is over 70 percent (or is it 80 percent?, even that can’t seem to be established beyond doubt). It’s finally dawning on even the last one of us: Either the vaccinations aren’t working or the population is being vaccinated into the next wave. Looking at the data from other countries (such as Israel) the latter was foreseeable months ago, as the numbers of cases went through the roof following mass vaccinations in these countries.
  • The so-called “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is the latest fairy tale emanating from Spahn’s lie factory and has been scientifically refuted. It’s nothing but government propaganda of the shabbiest kind and has destroyed the last shred of credibility of a political class that is entirely detached from reality. The blatant adoption of the Soviet communication strategy under Stalin is nothing short of unbelievable. Back then calamities such as supply shortages were equally ascribed to saboteurs and never to the poor planning of a political caste ideologically hovering above all material things.
  • How exaggerated the panic-inducing numbers are and have been, has recently been shown by the magazine “Multipolar”, which sifted through the billing data of health insurance companies. Accordingly, only around half of the patients officially treated for Corona were in hospital primarily due to Corona. But that’s not all: “The billing data reveals further controversial findings: Compared to 2019, the number of cases requiring intensive care that are not linked to acute respiratory diseases – especially strokes, cancer and heart attacks – increased significantly after the first lockdown. This points to the consequences of postponed treatments and delayed check-ups resulting from the first lockdown.”
  • The brazen manner in which Pfizer falsified Covid vaccine trial data has just been leaked to the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) by a whistleblower. Apparently the company couldn’t even ensure the proper storing temperature of the vaccines used during the trials. There’s no other way to put it: The pharmaceutical industry has taken the population hostage and turned everyone into guinea pigs aided by politics and media. But what kind of criticism can be expected from a media industry, which is entirely under the spell of Big Pharma, anyway?
  • So far the “pandemic-narrative” has fed on the slavish obedience of a core of pro-government “vacc-influencers”. The fact that this circle-the-wagons mentality is now falling apart can be considered as the actual worst-case scenario for the government and is probably the reason for the accelerated tightening of measures.

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty” is a quote allegedly attributed to Bertolt Brecht. Most likely the pandemic will only end as soon as the fear of a totalitarian public health dictatorship, which is a long standing subliminal agenda becoming increasingly clearer, outweighs the fear of the virus or personal disadvantages.

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