Friday, December 17, 2021

The Greatest Reset

The Greatest Reset

By now you likely are familiar with The Great Reset being thrust upon the world by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum... If you are not, I encourage you to watch the series What In the World Is Going On? in which I expose the globalist agenda that is rapidly unfolding before our very eyes. The Great Reset is the phrase these globocrats use to describe their evil scheme, according to which they plan to kill billions of human beings and control every aspect of the ones who survive.

 David Rockefeller, who died in 2017 before this one-world objective was fully rolled out, put it this way in an address before the globalist think tank, the Trilateral Commission, “The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.” In other words, nation-states are a thing of the past. What we really need is a one-world government.

Another member of this Luciferian cabal, James Paul Warburg, who hails from a long line of global elites, declared, “We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent.” Zbigniew Brzezinski, who died the same year his co-conspirator David Rockefeller did, 2017, arrogantly proclaimed not long before his death, “Today it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.” Declarations like these are pervasive within the writings and speeches of these malevolent oligarchs.

As horrifying as these statements are, it is nevertheless a thrilling time to be alive. Why? Because we are witnessing like never before the setting of the stage for the climactic conclusion of God’s plan of the ages. What once was a secretive plan known only to the elites themselves, and a handful of relentless investigators, is now out in the open. The Luciferian conspiracy is no longer an assertion of a few well-informed researchers; it is a brazen blueprint for a new world order outlined in books, summits, and the evening news.

When you find yourself anxious about the Great Satanic Reset that is advancing at warp speed, let me encourage you to stop and contemplate the greatest reset that is yet to come. 

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