Monday, December 13, 2021

Terry James: Chosen Control Mechanism Tightening

Chosen Control Mechanism Tightening
Terry James

It is orchestrated, conducted by a malevolent maestro whose baton continues to direct the downfall of man. The baton has at its supernatural tip the arrangement he has chosen to hold his mesmerized, global audience.

His concert might be headlined “The End-times Pandemic.” Never before has such a disease held the entire world under its control. I can say this with certainty because never before has there been such a worldwide media outreach. Every nation on earth is within the maestro’s evil, deluding influence. Leaderships of the nations, for the most part, fall obediently in line as the maestro points and manipulate the baton of orchestration.

The COVID-19 virus has now mutated, we are told, into a number of strains that will be with humankind forever. The maestro has directed many–perhaps most—leaders around the world that the answer to the problem is vaccination –many vaccinations.

This orchestration is setting the end-times world stage for his finale–the moment he brings his son of perdition onto the scene.

Since it is the opinion of most who hold to the pre-Trib view that Antichrist will come out of Europe, we look to that region to watch for the maestro’s movement in that area of the world. In that regard, there are significant developments. 


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