Saturday, December 18, 2021

Russian Military Hardware Deployed 45 Km From Ukraine Border

According to reports published in Western publications, such as The Sun and Politico, Ukrainians servicemen get ready to fight to repel Russian aggression on the contact line in Donbass.

The authors of those reports urge European residents to recall the "forgotten conflict" in Ukraine against the background of Russia's alleged military buildup and imminent invasion of Ukraine.

According to The Sun, Ukrainian servicemen are ready to fight to the end despite the overwhelming technical and quantitative superiority of the Russian Army. One of the Ukrainian officers told The Sun that he would fight for the right to live like free people in Western Europe.

Another Ukrainian military man said in an interview with Politico that Russia always wanted to conquer Ukraine. The Russians, he said, had always been destroying the Ukrainian land and the Ukrainian people.

Another soldier said that despite seven years of war, there are still "many good Ukrainians” living in the breakaway territories, and they need to be supported. Another military man said that Russia, in the event of invasion, would have to deal with a guerrilla warfare that would be worse than in Chechnya.

Aleksey Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, told Politico that the West is dancing to Putin's tune. He criticized the West for showing no reaction to Russia's decision to issue Russian passports to residents of Donbas. He also said that Putin would never recognise Ukraine an independent state and would rather want the country destroyed. According to Danilov, if the West turns a blind eye on Russia's aggression against Ukraine, it would create a dangerous precedent for China to invade Taiwan.

Meanwhile, against the background of tensions on the border between Russia and Ukraine, it was said that Russia was building another military field camp.

This is evidenced by the transportation of various types of military hardware and weapons in the direction of the town of Klintsy. The distance from Klintsy to Ukrainian and Belarusian borders amounts to only 45 kilometers.

It appears that the military hardware, in all likelihood, will be deployed in the area on the border of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The Russian Defence Ministry has not released any official comments on the matter.

It is believed that the strength of the Russian troops on the border of Ukraine has increased by at least 30-40 thousand people during the recent two weeks, although there is no official data.

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