Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Russia Warns Of Nuclear Missile Deployment In Europe

ON THE BRINK Russia warns of nuclear missile deployment in Europe as tensions over Ukraine reach boiling point

RUSSIA has threatened to deploy intermediate range nuclear missiles in Europe, as tensions over Ukraine intensify.

The warning from the country’s foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov comes amid fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, where the Kremlin has massed 175,000 troops.

Vladimir Putin has been warned of “massive consequences” if he invades Ukraine as Russia masses troops on its neighbour’s border.

Ryabkov has now threatened to revive Intermediate-range nuclear missiles, deployed in large numbers by both sides in the Cold War in the early 1980s.

He denied Russia was planning to invade Ukraine said Moscow would “respond militarily” if Nato sought to expand eastwards.

Speaking to the state-run RIA Novost he warned “there will be confrontation, this will be the next step" and previously banned weapons “will appear from our side”.

The rising tensions have prompted the G7 group of Western nations - meeting in Liverpool - to issue a warning to Russia.

“Russia should be in no doubt that further military aggression against Ukraine would have massive consequences and severe cost in response," the group said in statement.

"We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the right of any sovereign state to determine its own future."

Britain's Defence Secretary Ben Wallace recently said the UK was ready to use force to help defend Ukraine.


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