Saturday, December 18, 2021

Birth Pains...

Can You Feel The Intensity?
Dennis Huebshman

Anyone who cannot see and feel all the changes that have taken place since the last major election, has either been in solitary confinement with no media available whatsoever; or has been in a coma. Luke 21:28 actually took place a year or two before our current president took office. “Now, when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (ESV all emphasis mine)

Matthew states that these events are the “beginning of birth pains”, and many will fall away from the faith as lawlessness increases. Does anyone truly believe that everything is as it has been from the beginning, with no changes whatsoever? Those would be the “scoffers” as given in 2 Peter 3:3-4.

Matthew and Luke speak of many false prophets and antichrists being present as does 1 John 2 through 5. There will be wars and rumors of wars; nation against nation; and kingdom against kingdom. Watching what is taking place between Israel and the nations and groups that hate them, tells us the Ezekiel 38 war is very near. Even though the emphasis right now is between Iran and Israel, the other members of the coalition given in Ezekiel – Turkey and Russia – are nearby. Each of the three countries has their reasons to look upon Israel as a resolution to their issues. At the present time, the American government is made up of those who would not vote to assist Israel when they are attacked. Antisemitism is just about worldwide.

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