Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Melbourne Rebellion Has Begun

The Melbourne Rebellion Has Begun

Alexandra Bruce 

Even though I have the opportunity to vent nonstop about the COVID War, day in and day out, I was surprised at just how much more bottled-up emotion and PTSD I still have, when this video made me cry.

It is a happy video about Australia!

What looks like tens of thousands of Melbournians gathered in front of the Parliament House of Victoria with very high energy to protest all things COVID.

Claire Woodley, daughter of Australian Singer-Songwriter, Bruce Woodley, of the hit folk anthem, I Am Australian led the crowd in a rousing mass performance of the song.

It’s incredible what a mass-expression of patriotism can be like when there are no FBI in the crowd to Astroturf violence.

There were no police to be seen.

Simeon Boykoff, aka the Aussie Cossack suspects that Victoria Premier Dan Andrews will face the same political fate as Romanian Communist leader, Nicolae Ceaușescu. He says:

“Now, if Dan is listening to this, you better quickly, Dan seek refugee status. Go to your nearest Chinese embassy or consulate. Maybe the Chinese will take you, because you’ve obviously been working for them all this time…

“It seems that Dan Andrews, Dictator Dan has finally succumbed to his own power. He’s pushed the people that hard, that it’s no longer a question of Right Wing, Left Wing; no longer a question of race, color, political persuasion. Everybody is out on the streets and Melbournians, you’re doing this for the whole country…

“Something awesome is happening in Melbourne. Melbourne, which is the most locked-down city in the world, officially, Melbourne has been overtaken by Australians.

“People have taken to the streets. It’s now at a turning point. It’s like a runaway train. It’s no longer a handful of construction workers or a few people here and there. It’s officially become a huge movement. It’s so huge that it even reminds me of one of these Left-Wing sort of movements.

“And why I say that is because there are certain flags appearing in the crowds which weren’t appearing before and you can have a look at what I’m talking about.

“Look at this video…courtesy of a gentleman called True Arrow. Fantastic footage. This video will probably bring it to your eye.

“It really is people power. There’s not a cop in sight. We’ve gone from people getting shot in the back as they run away, to Melbourne being overtaken – and this Saturday, there’s going to be twice as many Melbournians on the streets!…

“This is fantastic! Look at that! There’s no cops at all. The cops have given up!…

“So Dan Andrews, who was thrown down the stairs by Linfox Group, you’re in trouble, mate. You’re about to be politically unseated.

“And congratulations to all of you, for being on the right side of history. And to those who are on the wrong side of history, Nuremberg 2.0 is still going; it’s still going ahead, because we will never forget what you’ve done, Victoria Police, New South Wales Police, the Liberal-Labor politicians…your trial is guaranteed. Nuremberg 2.0!

“Enjoy this video I’m so proud of Melbourne! Aussie Cossack, signing out.”


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