Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Rumors Of War: Poland-Belarus Conflict

Biting cold, dying migrants and war of words between EU and Minsk: Poland-Belarus conflict is getting worse


The migrant crisis continues at the Poland-Belarus border, with hundreds of people camping in harsh conditions as they seek to get into the EU. But while the weather is getting colder, the rhetoric from both sides is heating up.

The standoff entered into its second day on Tuesday, with asylum seekers camping on the Belarusian side of the border overnight. According to Polish estimates, up to 4,000 people remain at the border, with the largest group amassed near the Kuznica-Bruzhi border crossing.

Some 10,000 more migrants are believed to be elsewhere in Belarus, heading toward the border to try and get into the EU. Poland deployed additional police and troops, as well as assorted military hardware as the migrants tried to take the border by storm, cutting through razor wire and felling trees onto it.

“We currently have a camp of migrants who are blocked from the Belarusian side. There are about 1,000 people there, mostly young men. These are aggressive actions that we must repel, fulfilling our obligations as a member of the European Union,” Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Tuesday.

The ongoing military buildup has been criticized by the Belarusian authorities, with President Alexander Lukashenko condemning Warsaw’s actions. He rejected accusations of somehow “attacking” Poland, insisting he was not a “madman” to seek a conflict in the middle of Europe as it could easily spin out of control on any “misstep.”

“To conduct a war with these unfortunate people on the border of Poland with Belarus and move forward columns of tanks – it is clear that this is some kind of training or intimidation,”Lukashenko stated.

The EU, in turn, reiterated its accusations toward the Belarusian leadership of “weaponizing” the migration, with an EU Commission spokesperson stating that Lukashenko is acting like a “gangster” and effectively holding the migrants hostage.

“This is part of the inhuman and really gangster-style approach of the Lukashenko regime that he is lying to people, he is misusing people...and bringing them to Belarus under the false promise of having easy entry into the EU,” the spokesperson said. Earlier, EU Commission boss Ursula von der Leyen urged the bloc’s members to new, “extended sanctions” against Belarus over the ongoing crisis.


James said...

Hi Scott
just wondering have you seen the news from Singapore, a man from Malaysia is on death row (by hanging) for a very small amount of Heroin 42g's he got a stay of execution of by 1 day because he tested positive for covid 19. The three judges agreed that a man cannot be executed under Singapore law unless healthy. This Man has an IQ of 69 in most nations this would be considered disable. I would suggest used by people. As a christian very hotly opposed to any Death Penalty it saddens my heart to see mankind had declined to this a brutal kind of punishment my lord what have we become.
I guess it comes down to my solid believe in the way Christ told us about forgiveness.
Ephesians 4:32
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
This story goes to the very soul of my being when i read the news report it saddened me so much. an IQ of 69 My Lord

I can sent you the link if you wish


Scott said...

Not surprised in this era- the mystery of lawlessness is already at work