Thursday, July 2, 2020

U.S. Navy Bans Troops From Church, But Can Attend Protests, House Parties

Navy bans troops from indoor religious services while allowing protests, house parties

By Doug Mainwaring

The U.S. Navy is facing backlash after issuing a directive banning personnel from attending off-base religious services due to a recent uptick in COVID-19 cases while greenlighting participation in protests and parties.
“In open defiance of the Commander in Chief, who recently declared churches as essential to America, the U.S. Navy has threatened to court-martial service members if they go to church,” said Mike Berry, First Liberty Institute general counsel.  
First Liberty, a legal organization dedicated to defending religious freedom, is representing Major Daniel Schultz, who is seeking religious accommodation.
“It is absolutely outrageous that our troops can’t go to church, but they can attend a protest or host house parties of any size,” said Berry in a statement.

“On June 24, the Navy issued an order that banned troops from attending indoor religious services, although other activities such as using mass transit, hosting social gatherings of any size, and participation in protests are all permitted,” explains First Liberty. “But the order specifically states that “service members are prohibited from visiting, patronizing, or engaging in ... indoor religious services.” 

“The Navy’s orders apply to everyone assigned to Navy units and vessels including, ironically, its chaplains. Sailors returning from duty are not permitted to leave their ship until they agree to abide by official U.S. Navy orders preventing them from attending ‘indoor religious services.’ Service members who fail to abide by the Navy’s orders may be prosecuted via court-martial,” the First Liberty statement explains.

President Trump should demand the ban be immediately rescinded

“This order is unlawful and immoral, and President Trump should immediately demand its removal,” said Berry. 
“The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (‘RFRA’), prohibits the federal government from substantially burdening an individual’s sincerely held religious beliefs without a compelling interest that is furthered by the least restrictive means,” wrote Berry in a letter to the U.S. Navy. 
“We are stunned that the Navy would issue this unlawful order,” said chaplain Col. Ron Crews, U.S. Army (ret.), executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, which represents 2,700 active-duty chaplains serving the Armed Forces.

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