Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Comparing '45 Goals Of Communism' To Today's Protests

Compare Original '45 Goals Of Communism' To Modern Woke Crusade

Have you ever wondered what the precursors to the current goals of protesters and radicals demanding defunding police departments across America? Also, their crazed goals to pull down all historic statutes – even Mt Rushmore? And as US Reps AOC and Ilhan Omar demand destruction of capitalism, haven’t you wondered where such unhinged and universally disastrous ideas came from?
Well, there’s an actual source for such catastrophic, ruinous policies…World Communism. And on Thursday, January 10, 1963, a list of 45 Communist Goals were offered for the record that were argued to help take over USA. These were read into the Congressional Record, taken from a book called “The Naked Communist,” by Cleon Skousen. 


1. Normalize Revolt
Number 42 states, “Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use to solve economic, political or social problems.” Both Seattle’s Mayor Durkan and NY’s Bill Deblasio heavily praised the George Floyd “protests,” as well as virtually all Democrat politicians and many entertainers.  
2. Cancel the Police
In number 38, the list states: “Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.” Defunding the police will be addressed by having non-violent crimes be dealt with by mental health workers. This is the stated goal of Antifa and current demand of BLM, now being applied in Milwaukee and Seattle. But where did canceling police departments come from? USSR Communists. Claims one Marxist site: “The police are the first line of the “bodies of armed men” intended to defend interests of the ruling class. If their real function was to stop crime, they’d arrest every capitalist on the planet, as these are the true criminals and their regime the real source of all crime.”
3. Dismember the Family
In number 40, the list states: “Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.” Destruction of the nuclear family has already occurred and the impact has been catastrophic. Single family households are the chief cause of US poverty while fatherless kids are at a huge disadvantage in life. But a fatherless household also struggles more to teach children about authority and male-female roles within the home.

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