The number of deaths are decreasing – the severity of COVID-19 cases is lessening – but Democrats want to shut down the government for the next 6 weeks. Why would they do that?
We reported a couple days ago that Dr. Michael Levitt, a Stanford professor who also has a degree from Cambridge, claims that COVID-19 in the US will basically be over in 4 weeks.
"US COVID19 will be done in 4 weeks with a total reported death below 170,000. How will we know it is over? Like for Europe, when all cause excess deaths are at normal level for week. Reported COVID19 deaths may continue after 25 Aug. & reported cases will, but it will be over."
Not only this, but the severity of COVID-19 is lessening. Dr. Levitt again:
"Crazy idea based on “2nd wave” New Deaths over 5 days divided by New Cases over same 5 days. The ratio is tiny (<1 a="" amp="" are="" be="" becoming="" but="" could="" covid="" dallas="" death="" even="" harris="" i="" immune="" in="" infectious="" israel.="" less="" lethality="" lower="" much="" now="" summer="" tx="" we="" with="">
Other experts have shared the same explaining over and over that increased testing does not mean a relative increase in the incidence of cases with COVID-19 (i.e. discussing the number of new cases without sharing the increase in testing is not honest – also of note, Paul Krugman is nearly always wrong):
it appears we must say this yet again:
"discussing case counts in covid without reference to testing levels is tantamount to lying."
it ignores sampling rate. test any given population twice as much as you find twice as many cases.
it does not make disease more prevalent.
In Florida for example, the number of individuals in the hospital or in ICU has not increased over the past month although the number of cases reported has:
Florida: 223,000 positive #SARSCoV2 tests in three weeks - 10,000 a day - and ~NO CHANGE in hospitalizations or ICU occupancy statewide. You say epidemic, I say a lot of people getting colds, let’s call the whole thing off. (We’ll see if Florida has any excess mortality in July.)
We also know that lockdowns have no impact in reducing the number of deaths related to the China coronavirus:
1 comment:
So much happening recently in build up but nothing really "exploding" yet. Let's light this candle, I'm ready to be with Jesus!
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