Friday, July 10, 2020

Normalcy Bias vs Reality: Can War Be Avoided?

People Think This War Can Be Avoided. I Got News For You, It Has Already Begun

Normalcy bias: a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects.
I find it amazing how many people are still asleep at the wheel. The whole world has been forever changed and most people don’t even realize it. They think they are going to go to the polls in November and vote in Trump and all will be right with the world. Voting is useless. Half of this country is openly at war. Obviously there is no Rule of Law. The other half is still talking about voting. For some reason those on our side seem to think that we can vote and this talk of a coming civil war can be avoided. I got news for you, it has already begun.
If you sit quietly and just listen to your heart, your mind, your gut, you should know what is coming. Sure it’s not pleasant. Most of us live nice cushy lives. We don’t want to give up our comforts. But you can feel it. There is no denying it. It’s that queasy feeling you get when you watch another statue of our history being torn down. It’s that knot in your stomach as you watch the news and see businesses being destroyed, for what reason, you aren’t quite sure.

 It’s that tension and static in the air as you are shopping for groceries and notice that things are not in stock how they used to be. It’s that nauseating feeling when you go to purchase some more ammo or another rifle and there is nothing to buy. It’s that anger that boils up when you are called racist simply for the color of your skin which you were born with. It’s that sorrow you feel when people tell you that you have lived a privileged life even though you weren’t handed a thing a day in your life and worked hard for what you have.

John Mark, who we have shared many of his videos here on NCRenegade, yesterday deleted his youtube account and had an admin post this message on his Facebook page “This is a post I am very sorry to make. John has decided to move on. His family life has struggled in all of this. The recent issues have made him reassess his priorities. And too many on this “side” have made it abundantly clear. They do not want a solution. They want only blood. I do not know if he will be back or if he will stay away forever. I do know. He loved you all. Be safe everyone. War is all that’s left.”

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