Before the 2019 AMAs even started, I knew exactly what would happen: The same seven artists would be paraded on and off the stage, the same mind-numbing agenda would be promoted shamelessly and the same pseudo-satanic symbolism would a central part of the performances. And, unfortunately, I was right.
But I was not expecting how right I would be.
The 2019 AMAs was a satanic extravaganza mixed with a whole lot of “woke” brainwashing. And, to top it off, there was a recurrent theme that was difficult to ignore: Hell. Like, literal hell. Indeed, several performances featured artists performing in actual hellfire. And, when there was no hellfire, we had to suffer through another kind of hell: Virtue signaling. Heavy-handed and contrived virtue signaling.
If you did not watch the AMAs, you did good because you did not miss anything. Except for a boatload of agenda-pushing. Here are the lowlights of this three hours of hell.
The 2019 AMAs began with a horrendous performance by Selena Gomez who sang off-pitch for a good couple of minutes. Then, she started dancing and, compared to her backup dancers, she was off-beat and sluggish. In short, she seemed completely out of it. The following day, some media sources claimed that Selena had a “panic attack” right before the performance.
A Buzzfeed headline about Gomez having a “panic attack”.
The performance was reminiscent of Britney Spears’ terrible performance at the 2007 VMAs where she appeared as sluggish and “out of it” as Selena Gomez.
There are lots of similarities between the two: Both are ex-Disney child stars who became high-level industry slaves. Both had “mental issues” that are probably symptomatic of a deeper issue (Monarch mind control). Both have been used for years to push the Beta Kitten agenda (see Selena’s disturbing video Fetish).
In short, the first performance of the VMAs was difficult to watch. It was a fitting introduction to a hellish night.

Every time I think about Kesha, I get a little sad. Luckily it doesn’t happen too often. But, when I do, I get reminded of how she fought to free herself from the super-producer and MK handler Dr. Luke … to then end up more of a slave than she ever was. As stated in the article Kesha’s “Praying” is a Sad Reminder That She is Still Owned by the Industry, the first video she made right after the Dr. Luke debacle was a clear confirmation that she was still owned and controlled.
At the AMAs, Kesha performed a song appropriately titled Raising Hell. The performance began with Kesha saying “Welcome to OUR Sunday service”, which appears to be a dig a Kanye West’s recent Sunday services. However, Kesha’s service is not about Jesus. As the title of the song suggests, it is about the opposite.
At the beginning of the performance, Kesha stands in a church that is melting to rainbow colors – a symbolic image alluding to the “dissolving” of Christianity to create a new “woke” religion.
Around Kesha is a cast of carefully selected dancers, ranging from “gender-neutral” people to men dressed in pink robes. Then, Kesha sings lyrics that are rather blasphemous.

Then, Big Freedia – a rapper who performs in drag – comes out and drops some rhymes.

In short, this performance was a thinly-veiled satanic black mass (which is based on the desecration of Christian mass).
Then, the AMAs kept the darkness going with another industry pawn. A brand new pawn that is loved by children and tweens.
After Kesha’s song Raising Hell, the viewers are treated to Billie Eilish’s All the good girls go to hell. Do you see a theme going on here? In my article The Dark Meaning of “all the good girls go to hell” by Billie Eilish, I explained how the music video of this song was about Billie being possessed by Lucifer himself and rooting for the destruction of humanity.
Although the words mumbled by Billie during the performance were barely intelligible, she says some dark stuff.
All the good girls go to Hell
‘Cause even God herself has enemies
And once the water starts to rise
And Heaven’s out of sight
She’ll want the Devil on her team
Despite its obvious satanic undertone, the song is marketed as being about global warming.

In short, Billie’s performance was about a new industry star singing about being possessed by Lucifer as the world burned. And that was not even the most symbolic performance of the night.
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