Saturday, June 8, 2019

Things To Come: Violence From Socialists/Communists

Socialism And Violence
Why?  Economic equality.

Socialism & Communism promise economic equality.  Economic equality means stealing from you and from me.
It also means there has to be an elite group because only the elite group can determine when the masses, you and me, are all economically equal.

Of course, there’s no other way – how do you offer economic equality, a utopia without taking from those who have and give to those who do not have?
There’s no other way.
A violence to usher in the economic equality the Democrats, socialist, communists always demagogue: “commencing demagogues they become tyrants.”[i]
Trump will win by a landslide and then the Democrat, socialist, communist machine will engage: They’ll huff and they’ll puff and they’ll blow the GOP weaklings down.  By hook or crook, the Democrat, Socialist, Communist machine will ramp up voter fraud, the dead will vote, murderers will vote, non-citizens vote will mysteriously appear from – who knows where: From the machinations of the Democrat, socialist, and Communists.
Don’t forget the theme of this short work: violence.
Power consumes, power corrupts, too much power turns a human into a wraith, a ghoul, a soulless monster.  Just think of Hillary Clinton.  J.R.R. Tolkien understood this in his “Lord of the Rings.”  The wraiths sold their souls for more power and they became wraiths.

They follow Marx and Alinsky and they’ll do anything to usher in their always failed promises to provide for one and all in their utopia.

Their history is a history of one word: violence.

 Deep Staters are all socialists/Communists, workers of the world globalists – promising equality and utopia.  Their history is written in destroyed families, prisons, murder, starvation, humiliation, privation, but they keep the same false demagoguery: We will usher in financial equality, we’ll all be the same, you’ll live in utopia.

Violence is the only way Socialism/Communism can get control and then they have to ratchet up the violence to stay in control.  So, the utopian promises of workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains sours.

When the proletariat learn the state has come to steal their home, to steal their food, to steal their children as they usher in their dream of financial equality, the last thing the proletariat learns is that Socialism/Communism can only work through violence.

When the state comes to make everyone financially equal, they have to send in secret police to take from the middle class and give to the poor.

When the state comes to take from the middle class, especially the American middle class, they are met with resistance and the state has no choice but to become violent.

The state must attack those of us who want to keep our homes, our cars, our food, and our very own children from being taken to the gulag.

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