Friday, December 27, 2024

The UFO Swarm Yields To A Logical Explanation

The UFO Swarm Yields To A Logical Explanation

The most remarkable feature of the UFO swarm that began November 18 over New Jersey and then expanded in short order to infest New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Oregon, Minnesota, California, Texas (and where else?), with an average of 92 sightings per night, and that continues wholly unabated through the present day, is its persistence. The swarm persists unabated, the public demand that the government explain persists unabated, and the government stonewall of the public demand persists unabated. This persistence reveals how ineptly the government reads the public mood.

The great lesson of CV—well known to all the unwashed who lived through it—is that the government and all its acolytes and running dogs, including, among others, the media, Big Science, and Big Pharma, are liars who care not a whit about the rest of us. The very reason we elected Donald Trump for the third time is that we believe he cares.

Do they think we slept through CV? Do they think we were fooled by it? Do they think we missed its message?

We, the unwashed, must understand there are only three options for the government stonewall. The government is duplicitous, incompetent, or genuinely blindsided.

Moreover, there are only five plausible sources for this UFO swarm: The swarm originates in either the USA, Private Enterprise, China, Russia, or ET. These five swarm source options above are not mutually exclusive. For example, the swarm might originate in a collaboration between China and Russia or China and ET.

When the truth is finally learned, it might be illuminating, disappointing, or frightening.

Trump says the government must disclose what’s going on or “shoot them down.” Chris Christie says continued stonewalling will create vigilantes. Trump seems to think that the government knows all about this and is choosing to conceal the relevant information, which means this is all a demonstration of something. For whatever reason, the stonewall continues.

But now, at long last, there is a development that offers some light on the situation. The Daily Mail has reported that “An interactive map has revealed a disturbing pattern in drone sightings across the US.”

The “disturbing pattern” is that the unexplained UFO swarm “has targeted America’s military bases worldwide since October, beginning with a swarm over Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.”

So, the swarm has focused on US military bases! Many people have surmised this all along, and it now appears they were correct.

From all this, we can conclude, not with mathematical certainty, but with considerable probability:

1. Neither the US nor private enterprise is the source.

2. The US military knows what is going on.

3. The military has informed the White House of what is going on 

4. The White House judges that the public should not be told.

The question then is, “Why?”

The inquiring mind can freely roam over numerous conjectures answering to “why”, but the single most probable is that the government fears being exposed as impotent to deal with the swarm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Probably more of a psyop, unless these drones do some damage. They are targeting military bases for a deceptive intent. Satellites are capable of doing the same thing, so….. this is some kind of show to initiate a public response. It is also happening as a change of power is about to take place. The answer as to whom controls these drones is whom does not want that change in power to take place. Most likely candidates are those behind the “you will own nothing and be happy “.