Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Scientific Evidence Shows CO2 Ss Life-Sustaining: How CO2 is Saving the Planet, Not Destroying It

While scientific evidence shows CO2 is life-sustaining, the “official narrative” continues to gaslight its crucial role in our world

Emerging scientific evidence challenges the narrative that carbon dioxide (CO2) is harmful, highlighting its role in global greening, increased agricultural yields and biodiversity restoration.

Studies indicate the atmosphere is already saturated with CO2, making additional emissions negligible in driving global temperature increases, contradicting the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) predictions of catastrophic warming.

Research shows that rising CO2 levels (e.g., from 100 to 400 ppm) result in minimal temperature increases (e.g., 0.3°C), with no additional warming beyond 400 ppm.

CO2 drives photosynthesis and plant growth, with satellite data showing a 20-30% increase in global greening since 1982, particularly in regions like India and the Sahel.

Despite scientific evidence, mainstream media and political agendas continue to push Net Zero policies, ignoring CO2‘s life-sustaining benefits and its positive environmental impact.

The Green Revolution: How CO2 is Saving the Planet, Not Destroying It

By Willow Tohi 

In an era dominated by climate alarmism and the relentless push for Net Zero policies, a growing body of scientific evidence is challenging the narrative that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a planetary villain. 

Peer-reviewed studies and respected scientists are now revealing that CO2 is not only harmless but actually beneficial to the Earth, driving a global greening phenomenon that is feeding the world and restoring biodiversity. Yet, this groundbreaking research is being systematically ignored by the corporate media, which remains wedded to a politically motivated climate agenda.

Recent studies published by the CO2 Coalition and other independent scientific groups have shown that rising CO2 levels are not the existential threat they’ve been made out to be. In fact, the atmosphere is already “saturated” with CO2, meaning additional emissions have a negligible impact on global temperatures. 

This saturation effect, long argued by climate sceptics, explains why historical CO2 levels – 10 to 15 times higher than today – did not lead to runaway warming. Instead, CO2 is proving to be a boon for plant life, driving a “green revolution” that is increasing agricultural yields and greening vast swaths of the planet.

One of the most compelling findings comes from a team of Taiwanese scientists led by Professor Peng-Sheng Wei. Their research, published in a recent paper, found that increasing CO2 levels from 100 to 400 parts per million (“ppm”) resulted in a mere 0.3°C rise in ground temperature  a figure so small it falls within the margin of error. 

Even more striking, the study found no additional warming as CO2 levels rose further to 400 ppm. This directly contradicts the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (“IPCC”) claim that doubling CO2 levels will lead to a catastrophic 3°C temperature increase.

Similarly, Austrian scientists have concluded that doubling CO2 to 800 ppm would result in at most 0.5°C of warming, with no increase in infrared absorption at key wavelengths. These findings, along with those of Polish and Canadian researchers, suggest that the climate sensitivity to CO2 has been grossly overstated. Dr. Jan Kubicki and his team argue that above 400 ppm, CO2 “can no longer cause any increase in temperature,” while Professor Yi Huang of McGill University notes that CO2 absorption is already saturated, rendering additional emissions largely irrelevant to warming.

Carbon Dioxide is Essential to Life on Earth

The benefits of CO2 extend far beyond its minimal impact on temperature. The gas is a vital nutrient for plant life, driving photosynthesis and fostering growth. According to the CO2 Coalition, higher CO2levels are enhancing global vegetation, with satellite data showing a 20-30% increase in greening between 1982 and 2012 in regions like India, West Australia and the Sahel. This greening effect has accelerated in recent decades, with CO2 identified as the dominant driver.

The agricultural implications are profound. Studies by Charles Taylor and Wolfram Schlenker reveal that a 1 ppm increase in CO2 boosts crop yields by 0.4% for corn, 0.6% for soybeans, and 1% for wheat. This “fertilisation effect” is helping to feed a growing global population, countering the Malthusian predictions of food scarcity that have long haunted environmental discourse.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is truth in that hypothesis.
Let us go futher. Comprehensive understanding of existence. Humanity’s limited ability to comprehend GOD. Humanity in their desire to explain and organize events they came up with the concept of time. Time has no physical properties, yet it has purpose. God’s existence is beyond the confines of physical as well. Existing past present and future without end. The SON took on the physical, but existed in the past present and future without end. Our existence is physically limited, but spirituality potentially unlimited. It is difficult for science to come to terms with existence without some beginning physically . GOD proved that not to be true with the death of the physical body, resurrection and subsequent ascension beyond the physical. Existence is what ever GOD’s will is nothing more nothing less. Big bang is a big bust. Now explain how GOD came to be…. I will leave that one to GOD.