Monday, December 30, 2024

Damascus, Drones, And Scandal: An End Of The Year No One Could Have Anticipated

Damascus, Drones, And Scandal: An End Of The Year No One Could Have Anticipated

As we head into the new year, several stories transpired at the end of 2024 that we weren’t expecting. The world watched in disbelief as the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which had ruled Syria for over five decades, collapsed in a shockingly rapid and dramatic turn of events. Rebel forces, a coalition of various terror groups united in their goal to overthrow the dictator, stormed the capital, Damascus, and declared the city and country “liberated.”

Several governments have fallen into ruin in the region in recent years including Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Hamas and Hezbollah terror groups have been decimated thanks to Israel. Now Syria has fallen as well, but when evil replaces evil, only more horror follows—unless the region is being primed for stability. Unless the residents are being primed for a savior of sorts.

Here is the take away: The region needs a peace maker

The question on the mind of prophecy watchers is this: With the new Trump administration, is a new level of peace negotiations in that region on the horizon? And could this lead to the ultimate peace deal of Daniel 9:27?

If the church were to be removed in the rapture, would it not be timely for the Antichrist to arise and heal the Middle East—and then the world?

The collapse of the Syrian government and the end of Bashar al-Assad’s regime is not only a geo-political turning point, but could be a moment of profound prophetic significance in light of Isaiah 17.

The passage in Isaiah describes an utter obliteration of Damascus—something that only nuclear weapons could bring about, probably in the campaign of Armageddon. But keep your eyes on this scenario in the new year. And pray without ceasing for Syria’s many Christians—of all denominations. Syria’s “liberators” have their sights on anything and anyone Christian.

For believers who examine global events through the lens of Scripture, the situation in Syria requires serious attention.

Wolves Among the Flock—Again

Late in 2024, a Daystar executive was accused of child sexual abuse and another scandal exploded onto the scene. The details are horrific and we will spare you from them, but Christians, once again, shamed the name of Jesus Christ and further tarnished Christian media.

The network features a few sound ministries that provide moments of escape from the endless hours of heresy, prosperity teachers, hucksters, and fraudsters. When the root of such calamities is the love of money and earthly pleasure, mankind can sink to new lows as evidenced in the details of this story.

But ultimately, more wolves among the flock were exposed. We haven’t seen the end of this yet. It would be good if Christians turned off these outfits and opened their Bibles instead.

Strange Signs in the Heavens

I’m referring to the citing of mysterious drones all over America in late 2024! How bizarre. The Biden spokesmen played dumb—nothing new for them. What could potentially be more evil than eyes in the sky watching our every move? And, over some sensitive areas!

One compelling theory gaining traction and spreading rapidly across the web involves the use of these drones as sophisticated nuclear radiation detectors. Aerospace expert John Ferguson, founder of Saxon Aerospace, suggests the drones’ flight patterns and nighttime operations could indicate missions to detect gamma radiation or other hazardous materials.

Senior Biden administration officials, including representatives from the FBI, the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Security Council, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense all wanted to play this down! Even though they’re peering into your attic window and back yard!

Conclusion: Government thinks we are stupid sheeple who fall for anything, and that is why Americans said “enough” last election day and chose to change the channel!

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