Tuesday, December 31, 2024

CBDC And 'Direct Taxation' Coming

Gold Clause & CBDC

Everything will be converted to the new CBDC. The money in your bank account is already just an electronic book entry. This is why banks are closing branches everywhere in the USA as well as Europe. They are preparing for CBDCs, which means without physical paper money, bank branches are no longer needed. You can deposit a check on your phone. The only thing left for a branch is safe deposit boxes, and the government assumes you are hiding cash there anyway. So kiss your local branch goodbye. The local bank I used because it was the closest has closed, and it is now a 30-minute ride to the closest one still open.

The monetary system will still function as normal. The exchange will probably be one-for-one. The main purpose of this is to destroy the underground economy to be able to tax everything – even the 16-year-old girl next door you hire to babysit while you go out to dinner and that $100 bill you found in the parking lot that you cheated the government out of their 50% gift tax. We are all looked down upon as scum. They presume we are all guilty and the whole debt crisis is never their fault – it is you – we the people.

This is the natural progression of direct taxation – the complete loss of all liberty. This is why the Founding Fathers prohibited direct taxation. But the socialists seized the government and followed Marx to get the evil rich. It was introduced with the promise that only the rich would have to pay. They lied about that as well, for as soon as the income tax took place, simultaneously in the same bill, there was the payroll tax demanding employers withhold income from their workers.

This entire CBDC movement is about taxes, and they want to eliminate all paper money so they can track absolutely everything, rendering you an economic slave of the state precisely as the LEFT created with Communism. You will not be able to escape this system. This is why I have said that Republics are just tyranny by another label. We have no right to vote on anything. We are supposed to be “represented” by those in the House of Representatives, and the Senate represents the state governments – not the people. We have no right to vote on any issue ranging from taxes to war.

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