Saturday, September 16, 2023

Terry James: The Crisis

Terry James

In thinking for some time about writing on this subject, I considered putting together an entire book to explore matters under the title “The CRISIS.” That might still come to fruition at some point, but the breakneck pace of the stage being set for the Tribulation prompted my idea to deal with subjects making up the CRISIS sooner rather than later.

America and the world, through growing anti-God activity, are building one layer of evil on top of the next. This is setting the stage for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Secular economists and observers of the national and geopolitical movement toward fiscal and every other sort of catastrophe predict coming collapse into—well, they aren’t certain exactly what.

The experts who believe world economic collapse is on the brink have been predicting it for decades. Some think the globalists are deliberately doing things to collapse America and the world so they can be at the center of rebuilding society and culture in their own image. As witness, consider the term “Great Reset,” which is encapsulated in Agenda 30, the outline of the many changes proposed by the New World Order builders for the year 2030. (That year, interestingly, is seven years from this one.)

Bible prophecy watchers, in some cases (including myself), particularly have this view that these minions are trying to bring about world collapse. Some believe it’s the globally elite such as Klaus Schwab, George Soros, etc., who will ultimately be able to bring it about. America must go down first, obviously is their thinking, because it is the apex monetary holdup to the rest of the world falling in line with their nefarious plans.

It is my long-standing contention that the collapse, which we’ve been told will happen next month or next year, or sooner or later, will never come because of these people within the Ephesians 6:12 cabal having their way. Neither will the demonic minions within that group be able to bring about the global implosion into dystopia.

They need a CRISIS...


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