Saturday, September 23, 2023

Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador

Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador

In the middle of a never-ending war with Russia, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has asked Serbian Satanist Marina Abramovic to become an “Ambassador” for the war-torn country as reported by the UK Telegraph.

Despite what Western propaganda has been saying since the February 2022 outbreak of the war, Ukraine is clearly losing the war against Russia. The “Spring Offensive” by Ukraine against Russia this past spring failed. Ukraine’s three-month-long ‘counteroffensive’ against Russia this past summer, also failed. It met this failure by demanding critics ‘shut up’ about its failure.

The military effort has become so strained, the United States has resorted to utilizing international terrorism against Russia by blowing up Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines in September 2022.

Now, apparently, the war effort rests in the hands of a 76-year-old self-described ‘artist’ most famous for holding severed, bloody, goat heads. “An attack on Ukraine is an attack on humanity and has to be stopped,” Abramovic has said.

She was briefly a featured artist for Microsoft in 2020 until her ties to Satan became too much even for a company responsible for Windows ME.

Abramovic has been photographed in front of a painting by Thomas Lawrence titled “Satan Summoning his Legions” with controversial left-wing billionaire Jacob Rothschild. Abramovich also had transgressive art installations she called “Spirit Cooking” in 1996 that featured the consumption of bodily fluids while chanting phrases that some allege are Satanic. In 2016, when Wikileaks published the Podesta Archive of emails, Clinton advisor and powerful left-wing operator John Podesta was revealed to be attending “Spirit Cooking” meals with Abramovic as late as 2015.

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