Tuesday, September 26, 2023

15-Minute Cities Are Climate Lockdowns

15-Minute Cities Are Climate Lockdowns

Agenda 21/2030 is closer than ever to completion. One component, the 15-minute city/neighborhood, is being imposed in the U.S. without the informed consent and vote of the community, just as they had introduced the ICLEI membership into many parts of the U.S. decades ago.

ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) is now Local Governments for Sustainability. Environmental ‘Sustainability’ is the lynchpin of U.N. Agenda 21/2030 and ICLEI is the non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes it to local governments around the world.

NGOs vilified the developed way of life, fossil fuels, use of cars, and our mobility. But the goal turned out to be a lot more than just the greening of the planet, reducing pollution, and undependable green energy, it was about total control of every facet of human activity, the carbon footprint taxation, and the CO2 capture. The climate change industry was born when the global warming narrative proved to be just a scam.

U.N. and its affiliated green NGOs introduced five-minute walk or bike to work/school, commuting by train, mixed-use high raise tiny apartments without parking garages and businesses on the first floor to save the planet from global warming Armageddon.

WEF --“Biggest urban ideas to emerge from the pandemic, the 15-minute city or 15-minute neighborhood”

Young and gentrified urban neighborhoods welcomed the plan, bike lanes were introduced everywhere with very few users. But the rest of America was not so sold on the idea because Americans live in a vast country, and they love the freedom of the road.

The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset pushed the idea of living in an expanded 15-minute neighborhood with amenities to satisfy most urbanites. They won’t call it a climate lockdown, or an expensive concentration of apartment dwellers who cannot leave their area and intrude on other areas without a penalty. Those are details that are not specifically addressed. If they did, few would love the idea.

The WEF is introducing it as the “biggest urban ideas to emerge from the pandemic, the 15-minute city or 15-minute neighborhood,” imagined by the Colombian-French urbanist Carlos Moreno, the son of a Colombian farmer, now a professor in France. Moreno was a member of the left-wing M-19 movement when he fled Colombia at the age of 20. He is an advisor to the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, a Spanish-French politician who is a member of the Socialist Party.

In 2020 Moreno published two articles “Urban life and proximity at the time of Covid-19” in Editions de l’Observatoire, and “Droit de Cite, de la ville-monde a la ville du quart d’heure” (Freedom of the city, from the world city to the city of the quarter of an hour), in Editions de l’Observatoire.

Moreno’s idea is that everything you need to live, i.e., shops, schools, work, doctor’s offices, parks, libraries, restaurants, and everything else that makes life worth living is located within “a short 15-minute walk or bike ride from home.” The neighborhood zone becomes an ‘isochrone.’

What is an isochrone (iso=same, chrone=time)? Isochrones are maps that show the areas you can reach within a travel time limit. The only difference between a forced camp and these zones is the fact that camps had tall walls and locked gates, but the 15-minute neighborhood zone has electronic gates and cameras that take your picture and fine you later.

Fifteen-minute cities or neighborhoods to save the planet from climate change Armageddon? It is a climate lockdown and the excuse is CO2, the gas of plant life. Ask Katie Hopkins.

The city of Oxford, she said, will be divided into six parts. “You will only have the freedom to operate in the part that you live in.” If you want to go out of your zone, you will have to go out on an approved route on the outside of the city to re-enter another section of the city.” You will not be allowed to cross other zones. If you do, electronic gates and facial recognition will know that you have crossed an unauthorized zone. You can apply for permission to visit another zone, but you will only be allowed to do this 100 times per year. The Oxford Council passed this monstrosity, and it will be implemented within two years. The fine for going over the allowed visits on your pass is £100, $122.43. 

The half-baked idea of 15-minute cities was sold because cars pollute, you must hunt for a parking space, CO2 is bad for the planet even though it is the gas of plant life and without it, we can’t grow much food nor get oxygen from CO2-absorbing trees that produce oxygen.

Melbourne already jumped on the wagon with 800-meter radius communities.

Portland’s Climate Action Plan “calls for more vibrant neighborhood in which 90% of the resident can walk or bike to fulfill their daily needs.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

15 minute cites are a virtual castle wall, they are meant to exclude not include.