Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Next Step - A 'Major Crisis'?

The Destruction of the United States Is Intentional. Here's What Will Happen Next

For just over two and a half years, Joe Biden and/or his puppet masters (see Barack Obama, Susan Rice, Klaus Schwab, etc.) have been successfully driving the United States to destruction. The plan took a four-year detour when President Trump was at the helm. Now, thanks to what many believe was a stolen election, the plan to enslave our comfy pants-clad bottoms is back on.

Bezemenov laid out the Soviet plan in four parts:

  1. Demoralize people until they can’t tell fact from fiction.
  2. Destabilize the target nation’s economy, defense systems, and foreign relations. (Bidenomics is a joke, the military is woke and suffering from a lack of volunteers, and our foreign relations are about to start WWIII.)
  3. Crisis: foment a major event that causes our system to implode (such as seven million immigrants crashing our welfare system and economy, or a sudden lack of gas/energy, as we have seen in Sri Lanka and Nigeria).
  4. Normalization: the government implements socialism to make it all “better.”

Then there’s the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

Cloward and Piven were nutjob professors at Columbia University (remember, Bezmenov mentioned professors as part of the Soviet plan to topple America) who came up with a scheme to bring socialism to the United States and a sense of fairness to the impecunious white trash caucasian debris who celebrate Christmas by smearing Cheese Whiz on celery and believe Little Debbie is a food group.

This four-part skulduggery somewhat mirrors what Bezmenov warned us about. Its steps are:

  • Overload the welfare system (the illegal immigrants are doing that as you read this);
  • Cause panic and chaos;
  • Watch the system get destroyed;
  • Replace it with socialism.

According to the plan Bezmenov laid out, we are easily halfway through part two of the evil commie scheme to destroy America. 

Next up, we will have a major crisis. It could be something as calamitous as WWIII, a major power outage, a recession, or something the CIA has cooked up that may not even be real, like an invasion of little huge green men in Las Vegas. Whatever it is, it will be intentional.

Looking at the Cloward-Piven playbook, we are well into part three. Once the nation’s financial system is gutted, Biden will likely announce a plan to usher in socialism so that we don’t have to resort to eating our house pets. Anyway you slice it, something devastating — and intentional — is on the not-so-distant horizon, according to both of these strategies.

In my estimation, the fastest way to a crisis is to stop the production and distribution of food. Most people have, at best, seven days’ worth of chow in their pantries and refrigerators — that is if they just got home from Kroger minutes before reading this. In reality, we are about three days away from buck-shotting our marauding neighbors as they try to slit our throats for our last can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew.

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