Monday, September 25, 2023

Ignoring The Higher Plane of Hope

Ignoring The Higher Plane of Hope

A reader recently sent me an email that said:

  • I know that all of us have heard that depression and suicide are becoming rampant with our children and our elderly. I believe the reason is because they have no hope. Many go to church, but they have a propensity for depression and an attitude that there is nothing more to live for. I feel that the church needs to step up and become more aware of the End-Time news that needs to be taught that will help lift these poor people’s emotions to a higher plane of hope and renewed faith that the Bible is not a pile of fantasy tales that haven’t come true.

I know:

  • That at least one-fourth to one-third of the Bible is prophecy, depending upon who we are listening to.
  • That Jesus told us many times to watch for His return.
  • That when Jesus gave the Great Commission, He told us to teach all nations to observe all (all, not just some of) the things He said (Matt. 28:19-20).
  • That the world situation will worsen at the end of the age (II Tim. 3:1-13).
  • That the glorious return of Jesus is our blessed hope (Titus 2:13).
  • That under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Paul gave us the word of the Lord (something Jesus said about the Rapture) and told us to comfort one another with what Jesus said (I Thess. 4:13-18).
  • That I often receive emails from church members who say their pastor never mentions Bible prophecy; they have asked their pastor to mention it occasionally, and he will not do it, and they cannot find a church near them that has a pastor who occasionally preaches on Bible prophecy.

I ask is it possible:

  • That the prophesied worsening world situation (Covid-19 deaths and side effects, inflation, talk of a digital currency, etc.) is causing an increase in depression and suicide, and most church members attend churches that have pastors who will not tell them that there is a higher plane of hope?
  • That there is no need for the unchurched to ask many church members what they think about the current world situation because nothing is ever said about it in the pulpit, in the Sunday School literature, in the Sunday School class, and the church members have never studied it on their own?
  • That lost church members and others are attending churches and listening to pastors who will never tell them that they could be running out of time to get saved?
  • That the answers that some depressed and suicidal people are seeking are in the Bible, but there is no chance that they will ever hear those hope-filled comforting words from a pastor or a church member in their neighborhood?
  • That the prophesied worsening world situation is partly due to a lukewarm attitude and spiritual failure in the church that is leading to the coming Judgment of God, church members that will not make it to heaven, the rise of the Antichrist, the coming Mark of the Beast, and the fulfillment of other terrible events?

Here are some current events that appear to indicate that the days of pastors and church members ignoring that higher plane of hope are about over.

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