Sunday, January 9, 2022

Nursing Home Chain Closing - 'Crippling' Staff Shortages

Nursing Home Operator Forced Into Bankruptcy By "Crippling" Staff Shortages


Here's just the latest example of why forcing health-care workers to get vaccines and boosters - like the State of New York is still doing - is an untenable policy at best, and a stepping stone to disaster at worse.

Court documents reflect how the company, QHC Facilities LLC, which hosts a total of 750 beds across its 8 nursing homes and two assisted living facilities, has been devastated by the twin pressures of COVID deaths among its patients (many of whom fall into the most susceptible category of patient), and resignations en masse among its workers. 

QHC Facilities LLC filed for bankruptcy last week, citing “crippling staffing and employee retention issues” in a court filing. The Clive, Iowa-based company operates eight skilled nursing facilities and two assisted living homes with a total of about 750 beds in the state and 300 workers.

Occupancy rates plunged as Covid-19 spread through nursing homes, which accounted for a large proportion of deaths early in the pandemic. At the same time, the health-care sector has suffered from mass resignations as workers face burnout and seek more lucrative employment, contributing to swelling gaps in coverage.

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