Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Sound Of War Drums

As the sound of war drums grows louder …the real enemy remains hidden behind the curtain

There’s good reason to believe the generation now on earth will live to see the breakout of World War III.

Things can always change but right now it appears that war between the superpowers will happen within a matter of months, likely before the November midterm elections.

Why? The video below explains why.

The above video shows half a million peaceful but very angry people marching through the streets of Brussels, headquarters of the European Union. And for every one out on the street, you can bet there were at least five or ten more who stayed home for whatever reason but feel just as much anger against the ruling elites who are trying to force them to get injected with an unknown experimental treatment that doesn’t perform as promised in ending the pandemic and everything that came with it — the lockdowns, the masks, and the economic destruction.

While not quite as big, a crowd of equally ticked off Americans gathered in Washington, D.C., over the weekend to protest the same thing those Europeans were protesting in the video above.

Dr. Robert Malone delivered a landmark speech to the D.C. crowd, who came out in frigid temperatures to tell the Biden regime and all of the governors and mayors aligned with that illegitimate regime: We’ve had enough of your lies. But you won’t hear Dr. Malone’s speech on any of the corporate-owned mainstream media outlets. Watch it below.


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