The report: “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm. A strategic implications project” was published jointly by the UK Ministry of Defense, and German Federal Ministry of Defense in 2021.
Reading this document is frankly chilling as the the idea of using human augmentation for warfare is considered a fait accompli by the authors. That planning for human augmentation must start now.
We can assume that although this report is coming from the UK Ministry of Defense, and German Federal Ministry of Defense, parallel efforts are being made by most large governments around the world.
To begin this report highlights the important and benefits of human augmentation. From the report:
Of course, one of the first questions that must be asked when reading this report is what is human augmentation. An image from the report lists the technologies. The back of the report details these technologies in great detail:

The document goes on to write that the role of ethics and public perception in the use of human augmentation are not the deciding factors in developing human augmentation. The general consensus of the report is that human augmentation is critical for national security for the future development of warfare. It will be the military industrial complex (national interests) the ultimately decides what is developed.
1 comment:
Good Lord! This world has the "Frankenstein Crazy Syndrome", in my opinion!! God made us
fine just the way planned, man is now playing God for a do over from our shadow wimps of the Organized NWO Criminal's image, a movie in the making, right? Dumb-Ass##!
Used for good, technology to help unfortunate souls with limbs missing, etc. tis good, yet used for bad to create robotics people controlled by a few with their Artificial Intelligence BS, tis horrid! To murder millions obtaining Agenda's serving self-appointed Masters has been Global collateral damage while awaiting dripping out information AFTER the known facts, and by those whom where suppose to protect us in the first dam place, IMO. Oh, better late than never? A War of a kind never witnessed before, watching idiot criminals commit crimes against humanity, show themselves so we know now who they all are, then nail them, is this the plan? Shadow hiding won't work this round in my opinion! Freeze their funds from banks to off-shore places, etc...
In my opinion, it's way past time to throw the net over those involved in experimenting with mankind to rob them of life, quality of life, resources, land, freedoms, kept control, propaganda news demon's, etc..and for what? For keeping the few running USA behind the scenes for years, to keep their control, connect with demons for their evil, and think they are somehow better than God's people??? Let's get this mess cleaned up tatter-tots, it's past stupidity run amok, in my opinion. Sacrificing lives to allow our enemies within to emerge has been too costly, National Security should had know who they were all along down to those that traffic human-beings below reputed; Corruption stopped our Agencies from acting, right in their tracks they balked IMO; So, has to be invisible White Hats watching it all, now's time for them to pounce, IMO! Otherwise, risk utter Civil War, what is more collateral damage, whatever takes to deal with evil one surmise's, right? Smelling Rats is one thing, doing nothing about the rats is pure evil of another kind... especially knowing it can, should, had been taken care of yesterday, IMO!!! The masses have been patient enough, not any more in my opinion, & predict! Keeping our joy, hope, God/faith, love, living in the moment, peace, in your life, the rest will follow!
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