Friday, September 3, 2021

Things To Come: Covidism, The Collective And The New Marxism

The Goal of Covidism is Communism
Doug “Uncola” Lynn 

Most of us have heard the phrase: “The goal of socialism is communism”.  Perhaps, at its core, the statement is a reference to creeping incrementalism, or, stated another way:  Give Marxism an inch and it takes a mile.

Just like Covidism: it was given an inch and it took a mile.  In only eighteen months America advanced, incrementally, from Flatten the Curve® and lockdowns to mandatory vaccinations:  All because of a virus that mostly endangers the elderly and those with serious health concerns.
From an economic standpoint, Covidism, like socialism, has allowed for some capitalism over the last year and a half: a centralized form of capitalism, to be sure, as some workers and businesses were defined as “essential” and others deemed more equal were financially subsidized by the state.

Communism, on the other hand, is not typically as accommodating since communist leaders are usually installed after violent revolutions.  This is a paradox, of course, because communism, in theory, is supposed to secure the equitable distribution of wealth and common ownership of property for a nation’s citizens.  Yet, in practice, it never works out that way.

Except… the New World Order has always been the goal of mankind; at least since the first foundation stone was laid under the Tower of Babel.

Over the last century socialist and communist systems have promised greater equality in the distribution of income, but, in practice, both have failed miserably. It’s always the same: revolutionaries secure control on behalf of bureaucratic leeches as the middle class is destroyed. Until, eventually, all that remains are welfare states, politburos, field offices, breadlines, political scapegoats, and death camps.

It is happening again as average middle-class Americans who just wanted to live their lives and mind their own business(es), are now labeled as “extremists” by their “leaders”.

Author and theologian C.S. Lewis, in his book “God in the Dock”, lamented that tyrannies “sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive”. This is because, according to Lewis, “those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

Governments, and all those seeking power, have utilized false flags and political scapegoats throughout history. In their view, the ends justified the means and all that was needed to further their “good cause” was sufficient plausible deniability in order to generate consent among the useful idiots.  

Deceptive narratives, therefore, have actually weaponized the good intentions of true believers. And, this is why, as history proves, psychopathic totalitarians don’t even have to hide their true intent as the revolution commences: Because true believers love to buy after they own. It is the essence of incrementalism and how the path to hell was paved.

Don’t be surprised if another false flag were to occur the next few days –  or around September 11, 2021, the twentieth anniversary of 911.

Indeed, Covidism is the New Marxism as the natural rights of Americans have been subsumed by The Collective.  Covidism has also decimated the Americanmiddle class and small businesses while the billionaire oligarchy, and multinational corporations, have further consolidated power and centralized supply chains around the globe.

Politically, under Covidism, a quiet revolution occurred on November 3, 2020 when a handful of Democrat Party-controlled precincts in a few swing states, altered the outcome of the U.S. presidential election.  It marked the beginning of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”.  Since then, Covid vaccine mandates have been implemented throughout the U.S. government, military, and Covid-subsidized health systems – as “private” corporations have forced jabs for jobs policies upon employees.

The social architects behind Covid are, in fact, the central party planners of Covidism.  Correspondingly, modern transnational corporations have become de factocollectivist entities fused together by big government, financial corruption, and globalism.

These are the commonalities of collectivist societies:  Revolution, loss of individual rights, and centralization via the consolidation of political power by The Inner Party.  Now, to complete the Ven Diagram surrounding CovidismSocialism and Communism, simply add into the mix the following toxic witch’s brew of propagandacensorshipsocietal snitchingwidespread fear, and political scapegoats. All of these have emerged within American society over the past 18 months.

Obviously, the fear porn is being proliferated to generate specific outcomes. And the goal of Covidism is the ultimate control of populations around the world by means of a New World Order.  This also explains the widespread social media, and mainstream media, censorship today. Just as propaganda advances The Cause of Covidism, censorship and social media banishments diminish, and even eliminate, dissent.

Once again: Just weeks before the first Covid-19 deaths were reported in China, the “Event 201” plandemicexercise was held in New York City in October 2019,. The event was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins University, and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Since that time, billionaire Bill Gates, the software titan, has relentlessly promoted various healthcare initiatives. From the start of the “pandemic”, Gates called for increased Covid testing and was an early advocate for lockdowns and vaccines.  John Hopkins University posted all of the Orwellian Covid Maps that terrorized the internet since the start of the “pandemic”, and the founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, is the grand architect of The Great Reset®.

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