Wednesday, September 8, 2021

'The War On Covid Will Never End'

Quinn: "This War On COVID Will Never End"

In a previous article – Cascade of Consequences – I attempted to make the case the ruthless billionaire oligarchs and their bought off lackey whores in government, media, academia, corporations, the military industrial complex, sickcare industry, and  Federal Reserve have used this engineered covid pandemia to further consolidate and expand their wealth, power and control over a frightened, willfully ignorant, compliant populace. In the month since that article the “powers that be” have ramped up the fear, increased their coercive mandates, reinstated mask mandates, and instituted vaccine passports in liberal bastion cities across America.

Their narrative is unraveling as everything they have avowed to be true is being revealed to be false. No matter how many truth tellers Facebook, Twitter and Youtube censor, de-platform, and suppress, there are many more stepping up and destroying their mendacious provably false plot line. Despite half the country, indoctrinated by the government education system to feel rather than think, still shuddering in fear despite being double jabbed, voluntarily locked down and masked, the global elite game plan is self-destructing under the weight of an avalanche of deceptions.

Despite an all out authoritarian fear campaign, to mandate these unproven dangerous gene therapies disguised as vaccines, orchestrated by our corrupt political class, bought off medical industry, Big Tech censorship media outlets, woke mega-corporations, cowardly universities, and left wing fake news propaganda outlets, more than 40% of the population is resisting this tyrannical medical apartheid.

This past week had a surreal quality as false narrative after false narrative was annihilated by unequivocal facts presented by a minority of truth-seeking bloggers, uncaptured doctors (Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Martin Kuldorff), and a few remaining real journalists (Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Alex Berenson, Joe Rogan). The mainstream media and their social media co-conspirators are nothing but highly compensated mouthpieces for the Deep State, Big Pharma, and the billionaire oligarchs calling the shots.

The resistance is coming from alternative media websites, independent bloggers, and individuals seeking the truth. Online communities of like- minded individuals are the modern-day Committees of Correspondence, as we head towards inevitable conflict. A revolution is in the offing and those trapped in their own cognitive dissonance trance, with a dash of normalcy bias, are going to be shocked out of their self-induced stupor by the suddenness and extreme violence of the push back set in motion by the power elite.

These sociopath global tyrants actually believe they can dictate and control the actions of seven billion human beings through their capture of politicians, the military, universities, corporations, the banking system, the media and now the medical industrial complex. The maniacal determination of those controlling the levers of power behind the scenes to coerce these “experimental” gene therapies upon the populations of the developed world should make any critical thinking person pause and ask why.

Their master plan called for the vaccination of all. But less than 50% of the adult population had succumbed to the fear propaganda campaign. It was time for Biden and his controllers to turn up the heat on corporations, hospitals and universities to enforce vaccine mandates by either bribing them with Federal funds or threatening to withhold Federal funds. Money talks. The un-Constitutional demand that employees and students inject themselves with an untested chemical concoction to retain their jobs or get an education is legally, morally, and medically unethical, violating the Nuremberg Code.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Article is very good, and a challenge. So, let's make it a game in life. How about, the game is like stepping stones, or don't step on the crack, (never played this), Monopoly, or just circumvent ALL Covid BS?? If compassionate talks raises some folks level of conscious, then the more people you lead to play this game, the more the War becomes a win for the masses by doing what we want, know is right, and under our rules originally set in laws, our Constitution, in alignment with God, and forget those old birds that seek Tyranny Rule?

The curtain IS pulled back, we know who all those old birds are playing their game to kill, control, it's liar's, abused powers, and they are doing so through Pure Propaganda which has circumvented our Laws; This is why, we circumvent their demonic games played to mess with the lives of the masses, right??? There are more of us!

No one made them Gods, they are mere mortals, men mostly, and with a shelf life that obviously looks to be running out very soon; We can play till they are in the ground, IMO, and pray timing such, it's before they can see any wins so their efforts sizzle out into the ground with them!!! Rebuilding back our structure for limited Government will be better anyway IMO!