Friday, September 10, 2021

Is The U.S. Approaching A Civil War ?

Biden Threatens to "Remove Governors" Who Oppose His Vaccine Demands; Civil War Now Likely
H Turner

Illegitimate President Joseph Biden went "all-in" on full scale Tyranny Thursday by announcing new vaccine demands, mask mandates, and threatening to "Use my power as President to Get (Governors who oppose him) out of the way."  The stage is now set for actual Civil War in the USA.

The reaction from state Governors made clear, a major line in the sand had been crossed, and Civil Warwas now, officially, brewing.

Governor Henry McMaster of South Carolina responded to Biden's threat with these exact words: 

The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical Democrats. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian."

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas responded:

"Biden’s vaccine mandate is an assault on private businesses. I issued an Executive Order protecting Texans’ right to choose whether they get the COVID vaccine & added it to the special session agenda. Texas is already working to halt this power grab.”

Governor Parsons of Missouri responded:

"The Biden Administration’s recent announcement seeking to dictate personal freedom and private business decisions is an insult to our American principles of individual liberty and free enterprise. This heavy-handed action by the federal government is unwelcome in our state and has potentially dangerous consequences for working families.  Vaccination protects us from serious illness, but the decision to get vaccinated is a private health care decision that should remain as such. My administration will always fight back against federal power grabs and government overreach that threatens to limit our freedoms."

The utterly shocking remark by Biden caused many Americans to recoil in horror and ask themselves how he intended to do that, since it was States which created the federal Government, and not the other way around.

Hal Turner Remarks:  I called some of my former colleagues in the Intelligence Community from my years with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, where I handled "national security Intelligence", terrorism, and foreign counter-intelligence, and I asked them how Biden thinks he can do that.  

I nearly fell off my chair when the response came within 2 seconds:

"The fourteenth Amendment, Sections 3 and 4."

So I looked up that Amendment and its sections.  Here they are:

Amendment 14, Section 3:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Amendment 14, Section 4:

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

It seems as though Biden intends to declare Governors who oppose him to be "in insurrection" and send either federal agents or federal troops to remove that Governor from office pursuant the Section 3, and/or to withhold all federal money to such states under Section 4 above, claiming the state itself is "in insurrection" by failing to obey Biden's vax and mask mandates!

I was also tersely informed that USSS, FBI, and DHS task forces were set up ahead of Biden remarks to monitor “violent revolt speech” online!

So they knew that Biden was going full-tilt-tyranny, and they began monitoring online speech looking for "violent revolt speech" because that is what they now expect.  

The mask is finally off; Joe Biden is not only an illegitimate President who took office by stealing the November, 2020 federal election, but he now appears to be a full-on Tyrant.

It seems to me that we here in America no longer have an actual federal government, what we now have is federal tyranny masquerading as a government.

Let's begin with this inconvenient little fact:

By Biden's own admission, there are over 178 million Americans who are vaccinated.   Yet, we now know from CDC and state health agencies that daily cases of COVID right now are 300% higher than they were a year ago when there were ZERO people vaccinated. (Proof)  No one in government even attempts to explain this. Ask why.

The "Why" seems simple to me: What they've done, and what they plan on repeating . . . . DOESN'T WORK.

Let that sink in for a moment.   More cases right now, today, than we had one year ago, despite 178 Million people being "jabbed."  So they want to do more of the same!     Uhhhhhh . . . . no.

But if you - or your Governor - say "no" then Biden plans to remove your governor as being "in insurrection?????"  

Then we find out that USSS (US Secret Service), FBI and DHS have task forces set up and engaged in seeking out "Violent revolt speech."   So they KNOW they're engaged in outright tyranny and they plan to what . . . arrest people who talk about putting a stop to their tyranny?

Uhhhhh . . . no to that, as well.  The whole First Amendment thing flatly prohibits the US Government from ". . .abridging freedom of speech or the press . . ." and that Amendment remains in full force and effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, everywhere.  It cannot be held by a court to "not protect" certain speech because that power does not exist within the Amendment.   If someone in Congress or the courts wants such an exception to protected free speech or protected free press, they have no choice but to seek an AMENDMENT to the Constitution to permit them that power.  And an Amendment must be drawn up by Congress, passed, then sent to each of the fifty states and be ratified by 3/4 of them in order to take effect.  So the First Amendment applies to ALL speech and all Press, all the time, and no legislator or judge can hold otherwise because they lack the power to do so.

Folks, I think we have now arrived at the end game.  Push is finally coming to shove.

At this point, it seems easy for me to see Civil War stemming from this;  a huge line in the sand has now been crossed.  Even a state Governor is now openly saying ". . .  we will fight you to the gates of hell to protect . . .  rights . . ."   That, ladies and gentlemen, is war talk.   

You know, in our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence in particular, the Founding Fathers laid out the following truism:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Are we not precisely at that point right now?  Are we not finding ourselves forbidden to go out to certain public places unless we take the experimental, deadly, and damaging "jab?"   Are we not finding ourselves under threat of losing our jobs unless we submit to the poison death dart they masquerade as a "vaccine?"    Are we not being told we may be forbidden to travel by plane, bus, train, or perhaps even across state lines unless we do as THEY say?  Is this all not "absolute Despotism?" 

At least eighty-million (80,000,000) of us have not taken it and few have any intention at all of doing so.   With at least 16,000 in the US already DEAD from the vaccine, and another six-hundred-thousand (600,000) severely injured, some permanently, most who have not taken the jab are not going to.  

If Biden and Company try to take away the God-given freedom of those people, they have a right to defend themselves from such tyranny.

GOP Governors are already telling their attorneys general to prepare for battle against Joe Biden’s unconstitutional vax mandate.

Joe Biden on Thursday declared war on the unvaccinated and threatened GOP governors when he announced a new federal vaccine mandate.

GOP Governors across the country are already preparing litigation over Biden’s new mandate.

Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor said his office is “preparing litigation.”

“My office will vigorously oppose any attempt by the federal gov to mandate vaccines,” O’Connor said. “We are preparing litigation to stand up for our rights and defend the rule of law against the overreach of the federal government.

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon said he told his state’s Attorney General “to stand prepared to take all actions to oppose this administration’s unconstitutional overreach of executive power. It has no place in America.”

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster said he will fight Biden “to the gates of hell” to protect liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp said he will “pursue every legal option available” to stop Joe Biden’s Covid vaccine mandate.

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts released a statement vowing to fight Joe Biden’s mandate:


Caver said...

Well, this looks like we're close to the end game. The entire federal gov. has been compromised and weaponized. Even the FDA "so called" approval of the Pfizer Vax is fake. Here are 2 great articles on it...
(1) and

George said...

The great deception

drk said...

biden and co-horts did remove the actually elected president... ☹️

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaay!! JESUS IS COMING!!!!! We are almost home, see ya at the "House" :)

Anonymous said...

Agreed with Article, over-reach by Biden needs immediate removal for all wrongs mentioned, better happen too, and all his misdeeds prior to supposedly being in our Office, this needs addressed legally to punish this Administration in a court of law, in my opinion!

End, Jesus coming? Perhaps, or what about, God will supernaturally help his people fight this evil?? To think in "The End" terms sorta sounds like, admitting, or caving in to total helplessness, imminent defeat, passiveness, to some folks, and way ahead of when Jesus comes, because NO one knows, but we are assured much more takes place prior as the good book says, right? I do understand those that see evil rise, want to leave for eternity with our Lord, no problem, myself as well desires this outcome if this evil snowballs more, & more, & more!! (:

Yet, if nothing happens...yet, and we ARE still here, I do want to pursue with like minds, rising to the occasion through prayers, positive energy with thinking good shall endure through compassion for our troubled souls while witnessing an evil surge which those of God know is needing stamped out!!! Knowing we win in the END helps to navigate through our here and now;
Concerned, but not scared, we forge ahead. Not living in our heads but hey, might have to get involved to make changes occur, either in small ways, or large, we each have our callings, our purpose. We are here during times of trouble brewing, and thinking big might move mountains with God standing behind us!!! Angels are everywhere too helping us!!! Majority of American's want this Nation Blessed to the teeth!!

Simple, but complex is our situation as a Nation! Biden, Organizations, Non-Elected folks like Gates, etc. are trying to impose illegal Agenda's that "THEY" want, we don't want the same things; So if they insist on pushing stupid on the masses, IMO, might get some ugly, right?! Tis my Opinion, "THEY" might need assets frozen, arrested while trials decide outcomes, and let God sort them out as well in the end, IMO!! Takes time, takes folks to feel this evil till we go "Ouch", and show resistance to evil!! "Spiritual Warfare" is nothing new, bad guys trying to hoodwink the masses like Hitler did, well, it's just happening again in the Age of Technology, but there is hope, faith, love, while ALL swirls around us, IMO! We are not robots...yet, right?? Be Bold knowing our Lord has this!