Thursday, September 9, 2021

End Times Agenda On Schedule And Accelerating

The Redcoats are Coming!

Is it any wonder that crimes against persons, especially youths and females, have gotten so violent? After many hours, days and weeks of a mind being “programmed” to accept violence of every nature; and then to hear about unbelievable acts of violence towards other humans of all ages, should not surprise us at all.

Not too very long ago, we would hear about satanic and occult activities, but they were all behind closed doors, and held in secret. Attitudes have changed, and now there are even “Churches of Satan” in many parts of our country. Peer pressure to join such groups is on the rise, while anything that even hints about Christianity is to be avoided. John spoke of false prophets and antichrists as being present even in the first century. Jesus said they would increase as we near the end of this age. What is obvious is that we are entering the last “Hurrah” of this world, and are ushering in the New World Order. That will put this world into the final seven years before Jesus physically returns to earth to rule from Jerusalem for a thousand years.Paul tells us of a strong delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2:11, that will cause those who are completely bound to satan to believe what they are doing is right. My personal belief is that at least part of that deluding influence is in place now, and will only get stronger. How else could a small minority of “alphabet” groups grow to be such a major influence on our world? Today, without God allowing their actions, they would melt into the woodwork.

The attitude of the majority of this nation toward anyone who has received and accepted Jesus is that we are “haters”. Sadly, there have even been negative court decisions toward Christian businesses who refuse to go against their faith, and provide products and services they believe are honoring sin. Some bakeries, photographers and even some floral shops are being challenged because they will not cater to the wishes of the gay community. There are secular businesses of the same nature that would gladly accommodate them; but Christians are being purposely singled out for persecution, and some have had to close down.

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