Wednesday, October 16, 2019

MSM Manipulation:

CNN Whistleblower, ABC Fake News, NBC Sex Scandal, GQ "New Masculinity" Lunacy, But The MSM Manufactures Outrage Over "Violent" Meme That THEY Made Go Viral!

Anyone that has been watching the state of the media over the past few years has seen the establishment media go completely off the rails. We have seen fake news, inaccurate reporting, retractions, complete deletions of articles, corrections, the pushing of hoaxes,  and that is just the tip of the iceberg of what we have been witnessing, but the last couple of weeks has been even more brutal as multiple outlets are embroiled in scandal, yet they ignore it all to focus on a "violent" meme that has been public for over a year with barely any views, until the media itself made it go viral, so they could then claim how "dangerous" this now-viral video is.


On Sunday, ABC News published a video they received from outside sources, obviously without doing their due diligence to verify and confirm the origin of the video.

Their initial claim was the video showed a "slaughter in Syria," of a Turkish bombing of Kurd civilians, but in reality, the video was from a military gun demonstration in Kentucky that was published to YouTube in 2017, as reported by Gizmodo, offering a side-by-side of the ABC News clip along with the original.
“This video, obtained by ABC News, appears to show the fury of the Turkish attack on the border town of Tal Abyad two nights ago,” Panell said during the Sunday broadcast.

It’s unclear if the video may have been slightly manipulated before it was handed to ABC News. But the unedited video from Kentucky shows people holding up their phones to capture the destruction, while the video broadcast by ABC News appears to have colors that are less saturated than the original.

“We’ve taken down video that aired on ‘World News Tonight Sunday’ and ‘Good Morning America’ this morning that appeared to be from the Syrian border immediately after questions were raised about its accuracy. ABC News regrets the error,” an ABC News spokesperson told Gizmodo via email.
Gizmodo reports that it was "far-right social media users like Wojciech Pawelczyk, who described himself as a “video researcher” and “Trump supporter,” as well as the pro-Trump blog NOQ Report," that first questioned the authenticity of the video, which is something ABC News should have done themselves before going live.

Independent Media and conservatives once again had to step in and force a retraction and bust a fake news story from an establishment media source.

Of course Gizmodo being part of the liberal establishment media complex, is apparently more worried that ABC News broadcasting fake news, is "sure to provide even more ammunition to pro-Trump supporters who insist that mainstream news outlets are deliberately trying to deceive people."

What Gizmodo doesn't point out or even acknowledge is this is yet another in a long line of "fake news" being pushed by a prominent media outlet, and that ABC News has done this before. 

Back in December 2017, former ABC News veteran Brian Ross went live with a report about President Trump and Michael Flynn that turned out to be completely false, causing the stock market to tumble. ABC News retracted the story, suspended Ross, then barred him from reporting on stories pertaining to president Trump. Months later Ross left ABC News.


It is no huge secret that over at CNN, Democrat propaganda are their daily talking points, nor that the network, on the whole, are anti-conservative and absolutely hate president Trump.

Employees continue to deny it though, while liberals who love only being told what they want to hear whether it is true or not, continue to deny their bias.

Chris Cillizza, October 2016, when conservatives were pointing out their bias, stated "Let me say for the billionth time: Reporters don't root for a side. Period."

Truly one would have to be blind and deaf, or a liberal, to actually believe that after their own employees were caught on hidden camera by Project Veritas, admitting in the midst of their wall-to-wall coverage of the "Russian collusion" hoax, that the story was a "nothingburger," and the narrative was "Bullsh*t."

CNN knew the Russia story was bogus, and deliberately pushed it every single day, and continued to do so until the entire narrative fell apart after the Mueller report vindicated the Trump campaign, saying the nearly two year, multi-million dollar investigation did not establish that anyone on the Trump campaign, nor any American conspired or coordinated with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

On Monday, October 14, 2019, Project Veritas, released a blockbuster Part One report, which included both audio and video footage from a CNN employee, that shows conclusively that the rampant bias at CNN, comes straight from the top, president of CNN Worldwide since 2013, Jeff Zucker.

Other's caught on video indicate that not all CNN employees are happy with the way Zucker's "hate on Trump all the time" plays out when they are trying to do their jobs.

Nick Neville, a CNN Media Coordinator, also opened up to our insider. Neville tells our insider who really controls CNN’s programming, and how much top-down control Zucker exerts:

“Like, there are a lot of people who are out here trying to play like, just do what they think is the best journalistic integrity. Then you get on the 9am call and the big boss, Jeff Zucker, f**king tells what to do….”

“Jeff Zucker- basically president of CNN has a personal vendetta against Trump. Your own biases are gonna be there. They’re going to seep into what you think, they’re gonna seep into what you say, so if Jeff Zucker like blatantly hates Trump, and he runs CNN (which he does), it’s not gonna be positive (for you guys)…no I mean it’s not gonna be positive for Trump. He hates him. It’s gonna be negative!”


From the utter ridiculous, to actual sexual deviancy and assault, to outright unethical targeting of a political group by the "trusted name in news," CNN (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!), who claims they don't "root for a side," to "fake news," the media has once again had an embarrassing and humiliating week, yet all they are outraged over is a silly video meme.

This ladies and gentlemen is the sad state of America media in 2019.

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