Monday, October 28, 2019

Is Soros Right About Peak Populism?

Peak Populism Or Peak Globalism?

Last week George Soros rose from his casket to give an interview with, of course, The New York Times to pronounce that we’ve reached peak populism.
Anne Rice would have been proud of the whitewash.

The anomalies of Brexit and Donald Trump’s election were about to be reversed by the force of his beloved open society.

But is that the case?
  • If so why can’t Brexit be betrayed once and for all?
  • Why can’t Trump be removed from office for all of his crimes against decency?
  • Why can’t Open Society Foundation operate in places like Hungary, Turkey and Russia?
  • Why are populist, anti-immigration parties like Alternative for Germany (AfD) surging, frustrating Soros’ ideal centrist coalitions that have ruled post-war Europe (and nearly destroyed it) for the past seventy years?
  • Why are the Gilet Jaunes, nearly a year-old, continuing to protest hand-picked neoliberal flunkie Emmanuel Macron?
  • Why is Syria being returned to control under Assad?
  • Why am I long guillotines?
Nearly a year ago I published a piece called, “Have We Reached Peak Soros?” in which I outline the hurdles that Soros and his co-conspirators in The Davos Crowd face over the next two generations.
Decentralization and the ability of people to communicate in real time are changing the face of human society, not always for the better if Twitter is any example. In that essay I outline why Soros has been so focused on getting back control of The Wire to control what we think and who we express those thoughts towards.

Because of these things…
Everywhere where opposition to globalists is hardening Soros is pulling up his tents and running away.
Bullies are weak. Soros hides behind the venal and the vane. He’s never built anything of value, only won a rigged version of a zero-sum game, i.e. currency trading.
He’s not an entrepreneur, he’s a vampire. And vampire’s don’t build things, they destroy things other people love while being unloved themselves…
But most importantly, fewer and fewer people are falling for the Hobson’s Choice I described earlier that Soros gins up to move the political ball in his direction.
Now, instead, he is resorting to openly backing voter fraud in Broward County and Georgia. He’s paying protesters to harass Senators over a Supreme Court nominee and organizing a violent storming of the U.S. southern border which is quickly becoming a political albatross around the Democrats’ neck.
Lies are expensive. That’s why men like Soros need so much money.
While Soros believes The Davos Crowd will have the last laugh in all of these major political battles, because they’ve rigged the rules and tilted the table, the reality is that they cannot get past the growth of dissatisfaction with their policies.

Soros himself is emblematic of the problem with our unsustainable society. Corrupt money begets a corrupt society. The cries of anguish and the rise of anti-capitalist leftism are a reflection of that corruption.

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