Thursday, October 31, 2019

Addicted To Outrage

Obama Tries To Put The Crazy Liberal Genie He Released, Back In The Bottle As Super "Woke" Cancel Culture Backfires Against Radical Liberals

By Susan Duclos

By now many have heard the terms "woke" and "cancel culture," where those that consider themselves "woke" think they are morally superior and have the right to demand others conform to their way of thinking which they believe is more enlightened than the rest of the "peasants," and they form online, or offline mobs," to boycott or "cancel" out those accused of wrong-think for not being "woke" enough, even when those being "canceled" are basically on the same side as those attempting to "cancel" them.

While we have seen the "get woke, go broke" phenomenon with Gillette jumping on the "woke" train by attacking their number one demographic of customers, men, by treating masculinity as "toxic," then seeing not an organized boycott but an independent grass roots movement where Americans just switched brands and cost them approximately $5 billion in losses. We saw Dick's Sporting Goods joint he social justice warrior crowd in their gun grabbing and gun control efforts, and they are still bleeding profits because of that "woke" decision. 

What we are seeing now is that the left is cannibalizing themselves as their "wokeness" are taking down their own allies.

The problem the perpetually outraged crowd that is seemingly addicted to outrage, is they eventually run out of things to be outraged about regarding the party they oppose and they then turn their rage onto their own allies for any perceived slight or wrong-think.

One memory that sticks in my head evidencing that, happened in June 2018, when radical far left liberal Twitter CEO, known for censoring conservatives on his platform, dared to post a screen shot showing he ate at Chick-Fil-A, and liberal social media users, led by media personalities harassed him until he was forced to apologize.

How dare him not be woke enough!!!!!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!!

The fact is, perpetual outrage was always going to turn back against the "woke" crowd that started it.

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