Sunday, October 13, 2019

More Death To Free Speech

France: More Death to Free Speech

  • Defending someone who is accused of being a "racist" implies the risk of being accused of being a "racist" too. Intellectual terror reigns in France.

  • France is moving from a "muzzled press to a muzzling press that destroys free speech". — Alain Finkielkraut, writer and philosopher.

  • Writers other than Éric Zemmour have been hauled into court and totally excluded from all media, simply for describing reality.

  • In a society where freedom of speech exists, it would be possible to discuss the use of these statements, but in France today, freedom of speech has been almost completely destroyed.

  • Soon in France, no one will dare to say that any attack openly inspired by Islam has any connection with Islam.

On September 28, a "Convention of the Right" took place in Paris, organized by Marion Marechal, a former member of French parliament and now director of France's Institute of Social, Economic and Political Sciences. The purpose of the convention was to unite France's right-wing political factions. In a keynote speech, the journalist Éric Zemmour harshly criticized Islam and the Islamization of France. He described the country's "no-go zones" (Zones Urbaines Sensibles; Sensitive Urban Zones) as "foreign enclaves" in French territory and depicted, as a process of "colonization", the growing presence in France of Muslims who do not integrate.

Zemmour quoted the Algerian writer Boualem Sansal, who said that the no-go zones are "small Islamic Republics in the making". Zemmour said that a few decades ago, the French could talk freely about Islam but that today it is impossible, and he denounced the use of the "hazy concept of Islamophobia to make it impossible to criticize Islam, to reestablish the notion of blasphemy to the benefit of the Muslim religion alone..."
"All our problems are worsened by Islam. It is a double jeopardy.... Will young French people be willing to live as a minority on the land of their ancestors? If so, they deserve to be colonized. If not, they will have to fight ... [T]he old words of the Republic, secularism, integration, republican order, no longer mean anything ... Everything has been overturned, perverted, emptied of meaning."

Zemmour's speech was broadcast live on LCI television. Journalists on other channels immediately accused LCI of contributing to "hate propaganda". Some said that LCI should lose its broadcasting license. One journalist, Memona Hinterman-Affegee, a former member of France's High Council of Audiovisual Media (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel), the body that regulates electronic media in France, wrote in the newspaper Le Monde:

The journalists of Le Figaro, the newspaper employing Zemmour, wrote a press release demanding his immediate dismissal. Calls heard on most radio and television stations for a total boycott of Zemmour stressed that he had been condemned several times for "Islamophobic racism".

A journalist working for RTL and LCI, Jean-Michel Aphatie, said that Zemmour was a "repeat offender" who should not be able to speak anywhere and compared him to the anti-Semitic Holocaust denier Dieudonné Mbala Mbala:
"Dieudonné is not allowed to speak in France. He must hide. That is fine, since he wants to spread hatred. Éric Zemmour should be treated the same way."
Caricatures were published depicting Zemmour in a Waffen SS uniform. Another journalist, Dominique Jamet, apparently not seeing any problem comparing a Jew to a Nazi, said that Zemmour reminded him of Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. On the internet, death threats against Zemmour multiplied. Some posted the times Zemmour takes the subway, what stations, and suggested that someone push him under a train.

Whoever reads the text of Zemmour's speech on September 28 can see that the speech does not incite discrimination, hatred or violence, and does not make a single racist statement: Islam is not a race, it is a religion.

Zemmour had been hauled into court many times in the recent past and has had to pay heavy fines. On September 19, he was fined 3,000 euros ($3,300) for "incitement to racial hatred" and "incitement to discrimination", for having saidin 2015 that "in countless French suburbs where many young girls are veiled, a struggle to Islamize territories is taking place".
In a society where freedom of speech exists, it would be possible to discuss the use of these statements, but in France today, freedom of speech has been almost completely destroyed.

We are told, through corporate media, that President Trump and his supporters are racist, nazi and every type of “phobe” known to mankind – Yes, I said mankind, because I still believe in the English language and not some bastardized form of language being created through social media with the support of so-called “progressives”.
I found this list of questions in the comment section at and it added fuel to an idea that has been milling about for the past several days.
Which side has had family members spat on in restaurants?
Which side gets beat up for wearing a hat?
Which side has engaged in an attempted coup for 3 years because they couldn’t handle the ’16 election outcome?
Which side has Hollyweird, academia, pop culture, and the music industry unhinged over the election? Source
If you didn’t catch President Trump at the Minnesota rally on Thursday night you missed Trump in his prime. On point, in-your-face and unafraid of speaking his mind. It was if he was challenging, not only corporate media and the democrats, but was challenging the “soft-side” of the Trump voters. From my perspective President Trump was laying a foundation that shows our nation is under distress like never before in our history. He didn’t use racist, nazi or any kind “phobe” language, he used straight-forward, in your face language that didn’t leave any room for doubt about his stance. He painted a picture showing these people flying the “democrat” flag need to be challenged on their ideas, their platform and their belief system.

After the rally, antifa was waiting for the people in attendance. Minneapolis police were waiting as well. OathKeepers made an appearance but were not very visible. Antifa, of course, attempted to suck all the oxygen out of Minneapolis with their nonsensical signs, shouting, spitting and bullying techniques we have come to expect. These are nothing more than college students that have been brainwashed into believing that Communist Cortez is brilliant, Ilhan Omar is a saint and the “progressive” democrats are going to save them from the future they created with their ill informed, ill advised college studies in worthless degrees on gender studies and social justice nonsense.

The tweet below is what started the ball rolling on this article and when I saw the questions above I knew I had to get this out of me, lest I become the monster this type of garbage can create if left unattended.
This added to the fuel and my disgust of what is happening to our society and now here we are. If you think parenting – and more importantly, discipline – isn’t important, please explain to me how these people find this behavior acceptable on any level. If you disagree, why not discuss the differences, the pros and cons of abortion? I’ll tell you why – murder is indefensible.

After a few short weeks of development, the baby in the womb clearly shows the body it is growing in is now shared and there is no longer a “single owner” of the body – it is shared territory. The idea of “my body, my choice” is now off the table. There are, clearly, three people involved in this decision – two outside the womb and one inside. The one inside, doesn’t have a voice, but it should have a say.

As time went on, a crowd gathered around the group and one girl argued that if her mother wanted to abort her, it would have been alright, because “It’s her God damn choice to live the way she wants to.”
When she ran out of left-wing talking points to regurgitate, the girl spit on the cameraman and walked off.
“Okay, that was a little bit excessive. The spitting, I do not condone,” said another student.

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