Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The March Towards Globalism

By Britt Gillette

The Trend Toward Globalism

Because of their attitudes, millennials will ensure three issues stay at the forefront of the political agenda. These include:
1) Freedom of Movement – Freedom of movement is another way of saying “open borders.” Most people reject open borders because they understand a nation with open borders is no longer a nation. So advocates of global government use the phrase “freedom of movement.” After all, who could be against freedom? But we can see firsthand how “freedom of movement” destroyed national sovereignty in the EU. The Schengen agreement allows anyone to freely travel between EU member states without a passport or the need to stop at a border checkpoint. In 2015, images of Syrian refugees overwhelming the borders of Greece and other EU countries dominated the news. Once these refugees illegally crossed the border into an EU country, they were free to go wherever they wanted – London, Paris, Berlin, or any other city or town in Western Europe. No border checkpoint could stop them, and the EU had no way to track them.
2) Climate Change – As previously stated, 48% of millennials view climate change as the top threat to humanity. Despite the lack of evidence to show mankind has anything to do with climate change, people still clamor for global solutions to the “climate change crisis.” These solutions typically involve massive tax hikes, loss of national sovereignty, and a massive transfer of wealth and power to new global institutions. 
This “crisis” is how the globalists hope to get nations (and the United States in particular) to cede power to them. As former U.N. Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon said, “Climate change does not respect borders. It does not respect who you are – rich and poor, small and big. Therefore, this is what we call ‘global challenges,’ which require global solidarity.”
Panic over manmade global warming and climate change is the perfect crisis for those calling for global government. Since it impacts the entire planet, no nation can solve it alone. Therefore, it requires “global solidarity.” What does “global solidarity” mean? It means going along with whatever it is the globalists want. And what do they want? Power. Give power to an almighty global government, and the globalists believe they can solve all the world’s problems. This is a long held dream of kings and despots, but it’s also the dream of the millennial generation.
3) Global Government – Remember, when it comes to solving problems, millennials trust international organizations more than they trust themselves. So it makes sense the next generation will embrace global government. Not only is it seen as a solution for climate change, but for decades, it’s been seen as the only way to promote peace and end war. Albert Einstein said, “Humankind’s desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government.” Winston Churchill said, “Unless we establish some form of world government, it will not be possible for us to avert a World War III in the future.”
Many people believe this, and today, they’re actively working to form a single global government. The greatest challenge they face is convincing nations to give up their own power to a new global community. Each year, they come closer to realizing their dream, and advanced technology only accelerates the process.

Advanced Technology

The exponential advance of technology has advanced the globalist agenda in almost every area of life.
In finance, electronic banking has replaced currency in almost every business transaction. In North America, only 30% of consumer purchases are made with cash. It’s only a matter of time before paper currency disappears. When it does, global transactions will become even more efficient.
In business, free trade has led to global corporations and multinational conglomerates that span the globe. Their products and employees can be found in some of the most remote corners of the planet. With tools like Skype and Facetime, workers can engage in real-time video conferencing from anywhere in the world. Face to face meetings are no longer necessary.
Also in the future, language will no longer divide us. The barriers are already eroding. Programs such as Google Translate allow people who speak different languages to exchange emails and research papers, and it’s only a matter of time before wearable devices offer instant translation of the spoken word. You’ll talk to someone in English, and they’ll hear you in Japanese. They’ll respond in Japanese, and you’ll hear them in English. When this happens, national and cultural barriers will erode even further.
When it comes to policing, governments can now compile large databases and easily share information with other nations. Tracking of terrorists and other international criminals has never been easier. Spying on citizens has also never been easier. The spread of cameras and listening devices, such as Amazon Echo and Google Home (many of them willingly placed throughout people’s homes), mean governments can easily spy on almost anyone they want. With the aid of artificial intelligence, cameras, and microphones, a global government could monitor and track every person on earth. All these advancements make global government viable for the first time in history.
While recent political developments show a backlash against globalism, all they’ve done is slow the inevitable march toward global government.

Why All This Matters

So why should you care? You should care because we’re on the cusp of a new era. 
Ever since the Tower of Babel, tribes and nation states have governed the world. Nations meant well defined borders, language, and culture. Many people dreamed of global government, but that’s all it was – a dream. Such a government would never work in reality. Local interests and values would triumph, and administering a global government would be an expensive, bureaucratic nightmare. But this generation is tearing down all the obstacles to global government.
To the next generation, devotion to “the global community” is preferred over allegiance to one’s home country. Concern over climate change trumps concern over the local interest. They want national borders to be open or erased all together. 
Advanced technology is making all this happens. It’s creating a global marketplace, eroding language barriers, and eliminating the need for geographical proximity. The globalist vision is becoming reality.
None of this should surprise us. This is exactly what the Bible said will happen in the end times. A powerful global government will dominate the world (Daniel 7:23). It will rule over every people, nation, tribe, and language (Revelation 13:7). Its power will be so immense, it will control every economic transaction on earth. No one will be able to buy or sell without its permission (Revelation 13:17).
In the almost two thousand years since John wrote the Book of Revelation, such a government was impossible. In fact, in John’s time, people had no concept of the world outside of the Roman Empire. But today? Today, not only is such a government possible, it may prove inevitable. No other generation of Christians could say this. Ours is the first to live in a world where global government is possible. It’s just one more sign Jesus is about to return.

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