Tuesday, September 10, 2024

'Unaware' - Like The Days Of Noah

Pastors, Don’t Let Your Churches Remain Unaware Of What Lies Ahead

If I were to select one word that sums up most people today, it would be “unaware.” Despite the myriad of signs that tell us that the start of the Tribulation period is long overdue, few people are paying attention. Most believers pursue their aspirations with little or no understanding of the times in which they live.

Is this not yet another sign that we live in the last days? I believe it is: “For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:38-39, emphasis added).

The words “they were unaware” in the English Standard Version are literally “they did not know” in the original. Because the people in Noah’s day didn’t believe his warnings about God’s impending judgment, it was as if they didn’t know about it until it started raining. Some versions of the Bible translate the words as “they did not understand.”

During the lengthy time required to build the ark, it seems likely that word of such a spectacle would’ve spread to most people living at that time. They saw so many things that were out of the ordinary with the building of a huge ark and the boarding of the animals on it, yet they remained oblivious to the coming flood until it started to rain.

Just like in Noah’s day, most people today are unaware that things in the world will suddenly change in perhaps the near future. For decades, they have heard people like me point to the nearness of Jesus’ appearing. Even though they have heard the warnings, they aren’t knowledgeable of what lies ahead and are thus unaware of what’s coming.


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