Saturday, September 28, 2024

The UN Promises A new World Of Peace and Plenty: A New World Order, Global Governance

Fantasyland Comes To The UN

Ray DiLorenzo

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 193 nations approved a Pact for the Future, a pact that will cover matters of peace and security, global governance, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth, and future generations.

The UN promises a new world of peace and plenty. A new world order. Global governance. No entity in human history has ever achieved this. 

Genghis Khan tried. Hitler tried. Even Hillary tried. Some got closer than others. They claim that this will "turbocharge sustainable development goals." This expedites the process of taking away your car and private property. They also want to include children in decision-making. Yeah, right. It will be the Biden/Harris administration without the hair sniffing, but worldwide. All from an organization that couldn't stop any war from materializing. They say they can do it if the 193 countries give them power, complete power.

Their goals do sound nice. Who doesn't want global peace and security? Who doesn't want perfect weather every day? I'm sure they think they can accomplish that. Who doesn't want to safeguard the future of our youth?

Digital cooperation? I don't know. What are we talking about? Digital ID maybe, or a digital mark on my forehead so I can buy or sell? Gender? Gender is fixed, but don't tell them that. It makes them angry. Human rights? We have that here. Global governance? I don't think so, we have a very nice government here in the states when the politicians allow it to work. We're trying to fix that.

Everyone was there at the UN. All the presidents, prime ministers, and dictators. All the world's leaders. All pretending to want the same thing and promising to cooperate with having their governments dismantled, freedoms taken away, private transportation confiscated, bugs on and meat off the menu, everyone living in crowded cities, vaccine mandates, and being dictated to by a bunch of billionaire oligarchs who have no plans to give up anything. At home, we will certainly see our right to bear arms lost. What could possibly go wrong?

Don't forget, these are the same people who say our planet is massively overpopulated. But they say they have a fix for that. Ask Bill Gates. 

In the United States, we will see a further deterioration of the readiness and morale of an already diminished version of what was once the greatest military on the planet. In 1939, to prepare our military for a war that was coming, General George C. Marshall commissioned a 'Plucking Board' to pluck unfit flag officers who could not lead in battle. It is badly needed today.

There was not a peep from the fake-news American media as to what was going on. And this is a world revolution that could change every aspect of your life. The global operatives were occupied with working with the media, creating distractions, and we have an abundance of them.

How are they going to accomplish this world takeover? The World Economic Forum (WEF) speaks of a 'polycrisis', that is, multiple crises or one gigantic crisis that will destroy or severely damage most of society. Just the impetus needed to force change.

Where will these crises come from? Easy. How about a major economic collapse? The media has been preparing us for an economic collapse for years. Preppers are everywhere. They're ready.

How about a world war? Biden/Harris have taken us to the cusp of war in Eastern Europe, Taiwan, and the Middle East. They are actually debating whether to authorize the Ukrainians to begin firing long-range missiles deep into Russia.

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe let it slip out. He said, "We need to update our protective model because a kinetic event (government speak for war) would soon break out, which would increase the security risk to both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris." What would a thermonuclear war do to either change the political climate or even prevent the election from taking place? Biden and Harris are globalists, and a new war would be just fine with them. The war profiteers will do well, and the WEF will count the dead as the cost of doing business and achieving goals.

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