Sunday, September 29, 2024

Netanyahu on Nasrallah elimination: These are important days, an historic turning point

Netanyahu on Nasrallah elimination: These are important days, an historic turning point

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night related to the elimination of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, calling him the "central engine" of Iran's axis of evil.

Beginning his speech, Netanyahu quoted, "'If someone rises up to kill you - rise up early and kill him first.' Yesterday, the State of Israel eliminated the mass murderer Hassan Nasrallah. We evened the score with the one who is responsible for the murder of an immeasurable number of Israelis and many citizens of other countries, including hundreds of Americans and dozens of French," Netanyahu said.

"Nasrallah was not just another terrorist - he was THE terrorist. He was the axis of the axis, the central engine of Iran's axis of evil. He and his men were the architects of the plan to destroy Israel. He was not just activated by Iran - many times he activated Iran.

"Therefore, at the start of the week, I came to the conclusion that the powerful strikes that the IDF has leveled against Hezbollah in recent days - these strikes will not suffice. The elimination of Nasrallah was a crucial condition to achieving the goals that we set: returning the residents of northern Israel safely to their homes, and changing the balance of power in the region for years to come. Because so long as Nasrallah lived, he would have quickly rebuilt the abilities which we removed from Hezbollah. And therefore I gave the instruction - and Nasrallah is no longer with us.

"His elimination advances the return of our citizens to their homes in the north, and it also advances the return of our hostages in the south. The more [Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar sees that Hezbollah will no longer come save him, the greater the chances of bringing our hostages home."

Netanyahu continued, "Citizens of Israel, we have great achievements, but the task is not yet complete. In the coming days, we will face significant challenges, and we will stand up to them together."

"And not just Hezbollah has discovered this: The entire Middle East has discovered it. Anyone who opposes the axis of evil, all those who are choking under the brutal tyranny of Iran and its proxies in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iran itself, and in other areas - all of them have become filled with hope.

Turning to Israelis, Netanyahu stressed: "Citizens of Israel, these are important days. We are in what seems to be an historic turning point."

"A year ago, on the seventh of October, our enemies attacked us and thought that Israel was on the path to destruction. One year later, strike after strike, achievement after achievement, they understand how much their hopes have dissipated.

"Israel has momentum. We are winning.

"We are determined to continue to strike our enemies, bring our residents back to their homes, and bring home all of our hostages. We do not forget about them for even a moment."

Concluding his statements, Netanyahu emphasized: "My brothers and sisters, dear citizens of Israel: Today, I tell you again, and reiterate: Together we will fight, and with G-d's help, together we will win."

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