Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Oracle’s Larry Ellison gleefully says AI will usher in a surveillance state

Larry Ellison, co-founder of Oracle and Chairman of the Board and Chief Technology Officer, envisions a future where artificial intelligence (“AI”) systems monitor citizens extensively through a network of cameras and drones.

Ellison shared his vision during the ‘Oracle Financial Analyst Meeting 2024’ in an investor Q&A session, highlighting the potential benefits of AI-driven supervision.

He said AI will usher in a new era of surveillance that he gleefully said will ensure “citizens will be on their best behaviour because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.”

This widespread surveillance will infringe on personal freedoms, creating a surveillance state.  But it’s not only citizens he wants AI to oversee.  He also envisions that AI will monitor law enforcement.  “We’re going to have supervision. Every police officer’s going to be supervised at all times,” he said.

Ellison’s vision highlights a growing trend among tech companies to use AI for societal influence, which could reshape public life in the coming years.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One could never accuse the synagogue of Satan of not being joyful when it involves total control. You will own nothing while being watched, controlled, meditated without consent, educated(indoctrinated), used as cannon fodder(Ukraine)to further wealth transfer, marginalize and ultimately destroy Christianity all the while pretending to be Christian(Pope) or Jewish. They call themselves Jews when they are not. They serve another(Satan) knowingly or unknowingly with an evil purpose. They will work to destroy Israel while pretending to be Jewish. They divide people to increase confusion and create chaos(media), they own and use pornography via social media to destroy the moral fabric of society, they use immigration as a weapon to destroy nationality. Their vision is total subjugation of the planet.