Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Why Understanding Prophecy Is So Important At This Time

Did you know that a whopping 31% of the Bible is God revealing how events will unfold before they happen? Our Heavenly Father wants His children to know what the future holds!

I called my fellow Bible prophecy teacher, Todd Hampson of the Prophecy Pros podcast, and we put a list together to share some of the reasons why we believe Bible prophecy exists.......

The tenth and final reason in this list (though there are so many more reasons why God has given us Bible prophecy) would be that it is meant to give Christians hope. The Lord wants us to understand how the future will play out. Sure, there are valleys in life we must traverse, and terrifying times are coming like the Tribulation which is hard to digest, but prophecy is meant to give us hope that this evil age will end. Jesus will return as promised to rapture up His Church before the Tribulation begins, then He will defeat evil, and finally He will institute His thousand-year kingdom of peace and righteousness and justice. We gain hope knowing that the Christian’s final destination is to dwell in peace with our Creator forever in the Eternal State.

So, Bible prophecy is meant to give hope to the believer in that we have a great future ahead of us. But, Bible prophecy is also meant to serve as a warning to the unbeliever....

You probably agree that people sure need hope right now more than ever. So much craziness is going on in the world. People need to stop putting their hope in the things of this earth, whether they be political or monetary or whatever, that have provided a false and fleeting sense of comfort and stability. As we quickly approach the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, there is no other time in history more urgent in calling people to put their faith and hope in God alone. God is perfect. His promises are true. Bible prophecy assures us that God knows what He is doing with our lives and in this soon-passing world. We can have a sure hope in that fact.


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