Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Alien Agenda Part II

The Alien Agenda, Part II

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio Eruditus

In the earliest days of UFOlogy, two dueling theories quickly emerged as plausible explanations to the genesis of this phenomenon: the interdimensional versus extraterrestrial hypotheses. The extraterrestrial theory has been the predominant theory promulgated by the Regime’s appendages in the media and military. Yet, for veteran UFO researchers like John Keel, this theory eventually crumbled in the face of the evidence (emphasis mine):

While the scant “evidence” for ETs almost entirely consists of governmental testimony and radar footage from military aircraft, even their data corroborates the metaphysical, or I would argue, spiritual nature of these craft. There has not been a single radar sighting of a UFO entering Earth’s alleged atmosphere — not one. Additionally, there has never been a sonic boom recorded after the physics defying feats of these crafts. This evidence, rather than bolstering the US government’s ET narrative, further points towards the reality that these craft are not interacting with the material realm at all.

One of the most underreported aspects of “alien” and UFO encounters is the outright religious and occult undertones infused in the events themselves. Surveys have consistently shown that abduction activity often precedes or follows occult and “New Age” activities (Bates, Pg. 336). Prolific UFOlogist Jacques Vallée has noted the shocking similarities between the abduction phenomenon and historic accounts of encounters with spiritual beings (emphasis mine):

John Keel, author of the legendary book The Mothman Prophecies, further drives home for us how little abduction/channeling experiences differ from demonic possession (emphasis mine):

The manifestations and occurrences described in this imposing literature are similar, if not entirely identical, to the UFO phenomenon itself. Victims of demonomania (possession) suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contactees…

The devil and his demons can, according to the literature, manifest themselves in almost any form and can physically imitate anything from angels to horrifying monsters with glowing eyes. Strange objects and entities materialize and dematerialize in these stories, just as the UFOs and their splendid occupants appear and disappear, walk through walls, and perform other supernatural feats.

Much like the messages reported during demonic attacks, the messages of these “space brothers” are a fundamentally anti-Christical one (emphasis mine):

… after reading literally thousands of messages from the space brothers … and carefully analyzing their views of the Second Coming, the coming millennium, new age, Armageddon, the rapture, and the new Jerusalem, I am convinced that these entities are trying to sell humanity one of the biggest deceptions of all time.

— Bill Alnor, UFO researcher

The Messiah alone — not Muhammad, not Buddha — bears the unique ire and derision of the twisted gospel preached during these interdimensional assaults. One must ask, if these beings were truly “extraterrestrials”, why do they so loathe the Risen King?

According to abduction researcher Wes Clark, this stunning data point also emerged in his investigations of abductee testimonies (emphasis mine):

As the number of cases mounted, the data showed that in every instance where the victim knew to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, the event stopped. Period. The evidence was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.

The reality of the spiritual nature of these assaults and the power that Christ’s name has to end them was so compelling that Wes Clark would eventually convert to Christianity. John Keel also notes not just the similarities between the ritual experience of abductions/channeling and demonic possession, but even the deities invoked in each (emphasis mine):

The prevailing theories on the endgame for this ruse generally go something like this:

  • - Mass alien abductions will be used as an excuse to cover up the pre-Tribulation Rapture.
  • - Alien diseases/invasion will be used as an excuse to cover up the jab genocide.
  • - A Project Blue Beam-style alien invasion will be faked, and per Von Braun, used to fund yet more military spending and space-based boondoggles.
  • - AND/OR an alien invasion will be staged in order to scare humanity into forming the New World Order.

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