Friday, January 26, 2024

The 7 Most Outrageous Moments Of The World Economic Forum

The 7 Most Outrageous Moments Of The World Economic Forum

Although legacy media apologists insist the World Economic Forum (WEF) "has no authority to enforce" its mandates, the WEF claims it unites "the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas." 

WEF's most recent conference left no doubt that the world should resist being shaped by the secular-progressive, globalist agenda on display, included taking part in a pagan ritual, advocating for a universal and biometric ID and a global tax, "public-private" government censorship of the internet, and reining in elected officials' ability to deliver for their voters.

The World Economic Forum held its 54th meeting in Davos, Switzerland, from January 15-19, 2024. Its speeches included Al Gore tying climate change ideology to the Bible, John Kerry's daughter rambling incoherently, and John Kerry boasting that "no one politician anywhere in the world can undo" efforts to impose the WEF's agenda. Here are some of the conference's most significant moments.

1. A Pagan Ritual

The 2024 World Economic Forum became a coming out party, displaying the WEF's love of paganism. WEF concluded its Wednesday forum on "Climate and Nature" by inviting a shaman to carry out a pagan ritual for the healing of the planet, because "the healing is spiritual."

The moderator, Gim Huay Neo, closed the discussion by inviting "a very special guest," Chieftess Putanny Yawanawá of Brazil's Yawanawá tribe, whose "cultural and spiritual identities" let them "protect and steward the lands ... over thousands of years." Neo continued, "We know that in order for us to look forward and build this future, we also need to look back and harness the wisdom of our ancestors." 

None of the panelists, who represent the power and wealth created by Western civilization, were descended from the Yawanawá tribe. Nor do most Americans have any desire to live like the Yawanawá tribe, whose entire population consists of about 1,200 people in 12 villages.

2. A Digital ID to Track Your Whole Life

One of the elitists' central conceits is that they have the right to surveil every aspect of their subjects' lives, for their own good. One invaluable tool in the effort is a mandatory identification card that puts as much information as possible at the government's fingerprints -- as noted during WEF's Thursday panel on "financial inclusion." Queen Máxima of the Netherlands (whose grandfather, Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, co-founded the Bilderberg Group in 1954) urged governments to adopt a "ubiquitous" ID card that is "digital" and "biometric." 

Such an ID can not only provide surveillance over the financial industry, she said: "It's also good for school enrollment," and to see "who actually got a vaccination," as well as facilitating the redistribution of wealth to see that welfare recipients and other favored classes "get your subsidies from the government."

The WEF has discussed digital IDs and apps for years. In 2022, Alibaba Group President J. Michael Evans announced that he was developing new technology "for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint." This device would monitor "where are they traveling, how are they traveling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on the platform." Of course, if the individual can measure his or her carbon footprint, so can the government -- which can then microtarget and micromanage individuals' lives. "We don't have it operational yet," Evans said two years ago, "but this is something that we're working on."

3. A Global Tax

True global governance requires money and authority -- and the WEF discussed measures that would expand both at your expense. One speaker at the 2024 World Economic Forum advised that global bodies impose, not one, but two global taxes on the entire world. "Let's start taxing carbon," advised Amnesty International Secretary General Agnès Callamard at Friday's WEF panel on "global risks." She added that governments should enact "not just a carbon tax. The U.N. General Assembly has adopted a resolution ... on the necessity to have a global tax regime, so that actually we can raise the money required for all [the U.N.'s proposed] changes. ... Let's tax the corporate interests."

The Biden administration took the first step toward such a tax in 2021, when it supported a "Global Minimum Tax." The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) agreed to an outline on a 15% tax, which would allow foreign nations to tax U.S.-based corporations. According to the OECD's latest update, 55 nations have begun adopting the putatively voluntary guidelines, "with the rules coming into effect in 2024."

President Joe Biden has also taken advice from carbon tax advocates. The Obama-Biden administration's science czar, John Holdren -- who wrote a book outlining an Orwellian global regime, including forced abortions for Americans with discredited climate alarmist Paul Ehrlich -- "worked closely with the Biden campaign," according to The New York Times. 

In 2007, Holdren proposed "a global framework" to impose "a substantial price on carbon emissions in all countries," preferably via a "carbon tax." This global tax would conclude with U.N.-strength IRS confiscating and "transferring some of the revenue produced by carbon taxes" away from the West. Such taxes fall hardest on the poor and make reliable energy less accessible. In office, Joe Biden has ordered all federal agencies to write regulations assessing the "social cost of carbon."

Presumably, the global ID would make it more difficult to avoid paying a global tax.

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