Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Why Is Everything So Stupid?

Why Is Everything So Stupid?

It is impossible to estimate the opportunity cost of the climate scam, but it is in the quadrillions. Think of all you could have done in the last decades were your family income quadrupled. It should have been. We should be dancing in the stars, the real ones, not among the ghastly baboons of Hollywood. You can always tell an elite scam by the fact that it guts the lower 50%, as it is doing in the demented Dominion where people are actually going without food because of brutal carbon taxes levied all along the food chain. Two million of us are using food banks, 7%, this in the richest country in the world, given our massive resources, our expensively, meticulously educated populace.

The stupidity of gutting the lower 50% is mindblowing, since all prosperity and peace rests upon people thriving and rising. It was the secret of the past three hundred years. Now reversed. Now going into reversal. In Canada, where the climate scam is most advanced (barring Africa), our GDP is crashing hard - 4.4% in the last three months. Will it pull up? Or will it be annualized to 6%, more? Our media is so dishonest it doesn’t report. In any case, no one under 40, reads or watches the news.

“If you are under 40, in 2023, it has to be a medical condition that your IQ is low enough that you still watch the news. It’s one hour of propaganda in order to program.”

And how the left can stand the brutal immiseration of Africa is beyond me. Energy-rich nations like Namibia importing 75% of their energy, the energy owned by Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street. How do they live with themselves? Super plutocrats feeding on the poorest of the poor is the progressive nightmare, its raison de’etre. This is Absurdistan. The left created this monster by throwing their support behind science so corrupt, so unscrupulous, dishonorable, unprincipled, it gives off a stench that has spread across the world. Whenever someone references climate change, I actually feel ill.

This past month, John Podesta suspected pedophile, Hillary’s strategist, the Global Warming Czar in the current White House, called out the stupider members of his vile attack dogs onto Substack. We were accused by a “journalist” in The Atlantic of harbouring Nazis. The Atlantic, an outfit owned by a conscienceless plutocrat who lives off Apple - which uses child labor in China to assemble (those little fingers! So useful!), and child slave labor in Africa to dig cobalt - of harbouring Nazis who made money!  As it turned out, there were about four of them, and the most any made was $1200 annually, but never mind! The trope was out there, being shrieked by the disgraced New York Times, itself the organ of another plutocrat who hates us.

The domination of the stupid in the public square is endlessly annoying, so I only scan what appears before my eyes courtesy of the AI bot who believes I must be re-educated. One of my stable mates, Chris Bray, reacted in the manner most of us feel:

All day, every day, we’re exposed to…gibbering. To arguments that aren’t arguments, to fact claims that don’t pass any kind of smell test of any kind at any distance. WILL YOU SHUT UP, I keep muttering, trying to find some non-stupid news on the sewer box that feeds me the Internet.

Also this month, the stars of Substack, Matt Taibbi and Michael Schellenberger continued their methodical fleshing out of the surveillance state, and how deeply it has penetrated our lives.

How did this happen? How did the rational world become one long chain of lies, a complete fabric of falsehood smothering everything? 

The Climate Scam. It began with that in the early 2000’s. And now, it blankets everything. This lie has suppressed growth, hope, prosperity, truth, destroyed academia, destroyed government, destroyed scholarship, destroyed reason, destroyed trust in any system. It has ruined your great grandchildren’s lives because the grotesque perversion of truth will destroy human life. Arguably, given that in four generations humans will be nearly extinct, that geoengineering is methodically poisoning the forests, fields, killing arthropods in the soil, the very essence of nutrition and health, we are well on the way.

The Climate Scam is the Father of Lies. And John Kerry is its progenitor. Well acquainted with power, he has spent the last thirty years insinuating climate panic into every discipline, every sector, forcing every CEO to confess that what is unreal is real, that what is not a problem is a problem, and demands your sacrifice.

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