Friday, January 5, 2024

The Misconception That Leads Many Christians To Misunderstand God’s Plan For Israel

The Misconception That Leads Many Christians To Misunderstand God’s Plan For Israel
Harbingers Daily

I heard a popular Bible teacher state, “Throughout the history of Israel, covenant breaking, and disobedience, and idolatry disqualified Israel from the present divine right to the Land (Daniel 9:4-7Psalm 78:54-61).”

It is oddly that this individual quoted from Daniel 9, considering that, after speaking about God’s punishment upon Israel for their disobedience, idolatry, and covenant-breaking, Daniel states that such a punishment was temporary and that God was about to bring the people back to the Land which He had promised the Jewish people. Also, in Psalm 78, God was certainly angry with His people, but biblical prophecy makes it clear that in the end times, God would indeed return the Jewish people to the very Land which He promised them by covenant. It is a gross error to believe that the Jewish people must be obedient to return to the Land. What one must remember is that God acts to fulfill His prophetic promises because of Who He is and not because of the obedience of His people.

Unbelief does not Negate the Faithfulness of God

When considering the return from Babylon, only a remnant came home to Israel. God brought them back because it was necessary for the Jewish people to be in the Land for the First Coming of the Messiah, Yeshua. Now, in our days, God is once again returning the people to the Promised Land in preparation for the Messiah’s Second Coming.

The prophet Ezekiel offers much information concerning these issues. He writes that God will not bring the Jewish people back to the Land in the end times because of their purity; rather it will be in the Land that He will cleanse them. In other words, God Himself will bring a spiritual change to the people, but only after they have returned to the Land.

Ezekiel wrote these words over 2,500 years ago, and it was for this reason he wrote these things in the future tense. This verse contains a sentence that appears numerous times in both the Old and New Testaments. This sentence is, “so shall they be my people, and I will be their God.” These words represent the outcome of redemption, as only through redemption can a person have a relationship with God. Therefore, it should not be surprising that in the next verse, Ezekiel writes:

The David to which this verse refers is not David the son of Jesse, but the Son of David, Yeshua. He is the Redeemer, and only He can bring about such changes to the Jewish people.

When looking at this verse (Ezekiel 37:24) in the original language, it states, “And My Servant David is King over them…” All English translations I could find, except Young’s Literal Translation, place this in the future tense. The reason for the present tense is to reveal to the reader the outcome when Yeshua is ruling in the Millennial Kingdom. This prophesied righteous change is the sole result of Yeshua’s work on the cross and the redemption that the blood of Yeshua brings. The point is that the Jewish people are returning to the Land of Israel not because of their faithfulness, but only due to God’s faithfulness. He is bringing them back not because of their obedience and fidelity to the covenant, but to lead them to faith and obedience to His purpose.

Prophetic Ignorance Begets Bad Teaching

The major problem with those who teach that the Jewish people no longer have any divine right to the Land is that they ignore a plethora of biblical prophecies which attest that God will indeed bring the Jewish people back to the very Land He promised their forefathers. Again, this event, which is taking place in our days, clearly indicates God’s faithfulness and that we are approaching the End Times.

In 2022 alone, Jewish people returned to their homeland from 95 different countries. This is not by chance, but it is a strong example of the providence of God at work in our days. 


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