Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Pete Garcia: The Sum Of All Fears

The Sum of All Fears
 Pete Garcia

“All that we call human history–money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery–[is] the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” – C.S. Lewis

“The Sum of All Fears” (2002) is a political thriller based on Tom Clancy’s novel of the same name. The story follows a CIA analyst Jack Ryan, who slowly discovers a plot by a European neo-Nazi group that is aiming to get the two superpowers (the US and USSR) to wipe each other out allowing them to create a fascist European superstate. The crisis begins with the detonation of a dirty bomb (nuclear) in Baltimore, Maryland. It is further exacerbated by the Russian attack on a US aircraft carrier. As tensions rise, Ryan discovers the bomb’s black-market origin, and races against time to prevent a global conflict.

While a work of fiction, this film strangely resonates with the current state of the world. Instead of a neo-Nazi group, we are witnessing the globalist elites from various backgrounds manipulating their populations to foster division and pave the way for a fascist global superstate. Instead of a nuclear warhead, they are using censorship to silence and penalize their critics. And what the governments cannot do legally, they have their corporate confederates in the technocracy enforce upon the public. It’s the Deep State orchestrating conflicts between the left and right, conservative, and liberal, black and white, gay and straight, rich and poor, citizen and non-citizen, observing the eruption of civil strife, and seizing control in the aftermath. In essence, it mirrors the enactment of the Hegelian dialectic on the grand scale.

By today’s standard, reality has become so far removed from the national (and international) propaganda that it is triggering widespread cognitive dissonance. This distortion of truth (reality) is a result of decades of corruption fueled by post-modernism, particularly in the form of cultural relativism. Post-Modernism states that there is no such thing as objective truth because everything is relative to the person’s point of view. Cultural relativism states all cultures are essentially equal with no one culture being superior (in quality of life) to the other. If that were true, why do millions attempt to come to the United States (and other Westernized nations) every year? Nevertheless, with no objectivity to truth, there can be no truth. This is why today, our government:

– Influences education by removing God from the public sphere, mandating the theory of evolution as our source of humanity, while promoting the idea that life on earth is accidental.

– Encourages and nurtures the radicalization of anti-God and anti-Christian teachings via nihilism, socialism, atheism, materialism, hedonism, etc., and then wonders why the suicide, alcohol, and drug rates are skyrocketing.

– Empowers the cartel of bankers by putting them in control of all currency in a non-federal institution which can never be audited.

– Who then implements cradle-to-grave taxes and imposes a system of perpetual taxes on land and assets even if owned and paid for.

– Creates a system of perpetual poverty under the guise of fighting poverty.

– Strongly endorses the billion-dollar abortion industry while simultaneously appealing to children’s safety as a justification for implementing various stringent rules and regulations (often invoking the “think of the children” argument).

– Creates unnecessary bureaucratic rules and agencies, only to enforce the unnecessary rules they create.

– Erases gender norms by declaring men can be women and vice versa by mandating the usage of absurd pronouns.

– Cannot define a woman, yet claims women are oppressed by the patriarchy.

– Uses reverse racism against whites (Caucasians) as justification for fighting racism.

– Unconstitutionally enforces medical rules and regulations that financially benefit those pharmaceutical companies who become significant donors to their political initiatives.

– Unconstitutionally gives non-citizens preferential treatment over citizens.

– Utilizes perpetual crises, whether genuine or manufactured, as a means to legislate and govern the nation on a day-to-day basis.

– Allocates billions of taxpayer dollars to secure the borders of other nations, while neglecting our border concerns.

– Justifies widespread and illicit surveillance by seventeen intelligence agencies on its citizens under the pretext of national security, again, while overlooking issues related to open borders and illegal immigration policies at home.

These are but a sampling of the absurdities that the supposed “leader of the free world” is imposing upon itself and its allies. As you can see, by creating illogical and contradictory rules and regulations that defy the very document from which they derive their authority (i.e., the US Constitution) is simultaneously dismantling the document that gives them their legitimacy to rule.

And that is the point. The US and our present world order have to go to make way for what Satan and his fallen angels are preparing.


Anonymous said...

Exactly. There are a few that have been enlightened to the reality by GOD for what purpose? Most go about their daily lives as if all is well, oblivious to or participate in. Boggles the mind. Noah, probably felt the same confusion prior to the flood only he was given a task. Those enlightened today seem to be without a task warning of their concern and ignored. Why and for what?

Anonymous said...

The beginning of the end for the United States came in June 1962 - (1) Port Huron statement issued by Students for a Democratic Society, a leftist political manifesto indoctrinating a change from a constitutional republic to a Marxist state. (2) Supreme Court ruling (Engel v Vitale) removing prayer from public schools violating the first, ninth and tenth amendments sparking a massive educational decline.

Anonymous said...

So, we pray, have faith, be prepared soul wise, and overcome the stupidity ever allowed within our now bloated Government IMO; influence from models of communist countries smell here in USA which needs removed ASAP, agreed!