Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Israel wants UNRWA out of Gaza

Israel wants UNRWA out of Gaza
David Isaac

Israel’s Foreign Ministry has put together a classified report calling for the removal of UNRWA from the Gaza Strip in the long-term, noting that the UN relief agency works against Israel’s interests.

The report’s recommendations set out a three-stage process for shrinking and eventually eliminating UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, from the Strip: 1) Prepare a case detailing UNRWA’s cooperation with Hamas; 2) Reduce UNRWA’s field of activity and find replacement service providers; and 3) Transfer UNRWA’s responsibilities to another entity.

Channel 12, which revealed the existence of the secret report on Thursday, noted that Israel wants to move slowly, recognizing that the US sees UNRWA as a positive player in humanitarian efforts in the Strip. The ministry hopes to gradually build the case for ousting the organization, linking that goal to discussions on “the day after” Hamas.

Israel must convince the US and the international community of UNRWA’s unfitness by pulling together research, much of which has already been performed, on the UN group, (Michael co-authored a damning report on UNRWA in 2020). Israel should also highlight what UNRWA’s own people have revealed about it, he said, noting especially James Lindsay.

James G. Lindsay, an American civil servant, worked with UNRWA from 2000 to 2007 and as its general counsel from 2002. For more than a decade, he has called for a close examination of UNRWA’s activities, saying it doesn’t solve the Palestinian refugee problem, but rather perpetuates it.

The worst aspect of UNRWA is that it’s controlled by Hamas. “All the workers of UNRWA in the Gaza Strip—something like 13,000—all of them are approved by Hamas,” he said.

In 2020, 58% of UNRWA’s then-$800 million budget (it has since ballooned to $1.6 billion) went to education. Michael says education isn’t even part of its mandate.

The curriculum in UNRWA-run schools has been repeatedly exposed for its glorification of jihad and antisemitism.

More than 100 of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists who carried out terrorist attacks and murdered Israeli citizens on Oct. 7 were graduates of UNRWA’s education system, the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) found.

In another report, it found at least 14 teachers and staff at UNRWA schools publicly celebrated the Hamas massacre and other Hamas attacks on their social media accounts.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Same thing going on in USA IMO, look at the minds poison by Fake MSM news propaganda, colleges, broken systems of our education occurring, cancel culture BS nonsense, lawlessness propped up by current Governing bodies, an example, look at border invasions unchecked, IMO! We have insanity among us in USA as does ME; prayers for Israel to overcome, win against all the demons/plots/any attacks Israel needs to foil successfully! Israel is unveiling ALL behind the evil that has come against them!

This is a great Article that uncovers what is behind those demonic empty brains of Hamas & brainwashed Palestinian's, in my opinion; yes, a "New Dawn" is needed yonder for desired peace which will reverberate here in USA; more folks waking up, IMO! The deception from many evil Organizations Globally is coming home to roost, and needs eliminated of ALL their powers, IMO!!