Tuesday, January 2, 2024

' Absolute Control Of Everything That The Great Reset Envisages, Will Begin With 'The Great Taking'

The Conquest And Enslavement Of 'The Masses,' Absolute Control Of Everyone And Everything On The Planet That The Great Reset Envisages, Will Begin With 'The Great Taking

Under a veil of benevolence, the Great Reset engineered by the World Economic Forum (WEF), aims to shift wealth from individuals and small businesses to global organizations controlled by the elite. As part of this agenda, a revamping of the financial system has been underway for – believe it or not – over half a century, says David Rogers Webb in his recent bookThe Great Taking and its accompanying documentary which can be seen in full as the 1st video at the very bottom of this story.. 

Webb’s research and insights demonstrate that the WEF’s dubious catchphrase You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy already has risky implications for investments in securities, mutual funds, pension funds, and the like. Investors, he shows, are no longer ‘owners’ of securities; they are only ‘unsecured creditors.’ Besides, investments are vulnerable to the vagaries of the opaque derivatives market. If the system collapses – he says this is inevitable – investors will not only lose money, they will receive no compensation. 

This is the ‘Great Taking’ of the title, the beginning of the end of property rights, deemed the bedrock of prosperity by our Founding Fathers and enshrined in the Constitution. We no longer really own shares; soon, we may no longer own anything.

According to Webb, the subversive system artfully put into place by the architects of the Great Reset will culminate in a Great Deflation – a financial collapse that will be the pretext to impose central bank digital currency (CBDC), with every cent tracked and spending coerced through incentives and penalties. Already, he says, the Feds have created what he calls the ‘Everything Bubble’ by increasing federal fund rates from near zero to 5%. Debt expansion will result in an implosion of insolvencies; calls for more collateral will trigger their transfer from the derivatives complex into central clearing counterparties, which will fail; and people unable to repay debts will lose their assets. No forgiveness, no bailouts. 

Cui bono? Secured creditors, who will take all properties and businesses financed with debt. And at a level above them, people who privately control central banks and money creation. They are allied with intelligence agencies and militaries, and control political parties, governments, and the media. 


Anonymous said...

No worries, God will soon expel these great reset engineers from the universe.

Anonymous said...

Hummm, so a Global Mafia? God is still in control, so we must put our faith in God.